最近几个标普500波动性相关的ETF感觉非常红火,本着不熟不投的规则,仔细的研究了一下UVXY, SVXY等ETF产品的机制以及产品的流动性。 首先应该先了解一下这两款产品所追踪的标的物:S&P500 VIX Short Term Future Index, 是由McGraw Hill Financial 旗下S&P 道琼斯指数发布的一款指数产品。代号是SPVIXSTR。跟我们普遍...
作者: $标准普尔500指数(SP500)$$ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures(UVXY)$ 这是一张标普的周线图,解释下几个箭头的含义,红色箭头是三个死叉的位置,根据我的经验,三个死叉(20周期、45周期和110周期)全部出现,就是标志着技术熊市妥妥的,目前出现两个,技术熊市完全出现的概率已经超过70%;黑色是45周期和11...
"iAcatanhBlelBsyeBedef"fe)etfhceatacnittvdeetdhLpeHHh e=-ofSnf N3eoc4nWt7i.vM5se2wF pÅiPhtsho(tnothwofeno"AcModBriAfFrfeePAsrsp"eonoantfndLtdhiHne":AgsLeBHptB e=wrBio 2"o1dHc.s7a-s2Sae rNÅseWa("rtAhesBea~3rc61eo8Ars8rAm.e5"sa pÅallonenardndtd"...
Comparing to that of other study with a channel release of 110 min, the ELO time achieved in this study was quite short18. These results strongly suggest that a pre-patterning step and the addition of etching acceleration solutions facilitate high-throughput III-V/Si wafer fabrication. To ...
UltraShort消费服务业宣布季度分配0.1232美元。 Seeking Alpha2024/06/27 03:31 财报公布前,标普500指数非必需消费品板块中最受欢迎的Alpha Quant精选 由于通货膨胀和利率飙升,非必需消费品行业在COVID之后的复苏速度比大多数其他行业要慢,导致非必需消费品ETF(NYSEARCA: XLY)与整个市场(SP500)相比表现不佳。 Seeking...
ProShares Ultra S&P500 ETF SH 0 0.00% ProShares Short S&P500 ETF SPXS 0 0.00% Direxion Daily S&P 500® Bear 3X Shares ETF UPRO 0 0.00% ProShares UltraPro S&P500 ETF SPDN 0 0.00% Direxion Daily S&P 500® Bear 1X Shares ETF ...
ETF Home PageHome page InceptionJun 19, 2006 Index TrackedS&P 500 Index (200%) Analyst Report FA Report PDF ThisETFoffers 2x daily long leverage to the S&P 500 Index, making it a powerful tool for investors with a bullish short-term outlook for large cap equities. Investors should note tha...
ProShares UltraPro S&P500 ETF SPXU 0 0.00% ProShares UltraPro Short S&P500 ETF SPXS 0 0.00% Direxion Daily S&P 500® Bear 3X Shares ETF SPXV 0 0.00% ProShares S&P 500® ex-Health Care ETF SPXL 0 0.00% Direxion Daily S&P500® Bull 3X Shares ETF Compare ETFs Holding SSO...
materials Article High-Strength Ultra-Fine-Grained Hypereutectic Al-Si-Fe-X (X = Cr, Mn) Alloys Prepared by Short-Term Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering Filip Pru˚ ša 1,*, Markéta Bláhová 1, Dalibor Vojteˇch 1, Vojteˇch Kucˇera 1, Adriana Bernatiková 1, ...
For Case1, the elliptical disk structure has only one absorption peak reaching 97.5% at a short wavelength. Unfortunately, the absorptivity is only 65.1% in the solar radiation region, much less than the cross elliptical arrays (93.7%). Then, the cross arrays achieved an absorptivity of 91.1%...