This article examines the changing relation between military service and Haredi community, community of ultra-orthodox Jews, in contemporary Israel. By and large, Haredi do not serve in the regular draft of the Israel Defence Force (IDF), which all Jewish Israelis between the ages of 18 and ...
But Farber is an exception, not the rule. Historically, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who were a minority when the State of Israel was established in 1948, received exemptions from military service. Back then, it was agreed that they would serve the state by praying, even though some did enroll in ...
Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest against Israeli army conscription at Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem, on July 5, 2018. The Israeli Knesset (Parliament) passed a bill Monday that would draft ultra-Orthodox men into the Israeli army, according to a report by Haaretz. (Xinhua/Gil Cohen Magen) ...
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Dozens of ultra-Orthodox protesters broke into an Israeli army base near Tel Aviv on Tuesday, the military said, as demonstrations against call up orders for religious Jews previously exempt from conscription continued to flare. The demonstrations, which took place as Israel ...
Ever since the state of Israel’s founding in 1948, ultra-Orthodox Jews – those who take the strictest approach toward following Jewish law, and arenow around 14%of the population – have been exempt from military service. Among all other Jewish citizens, from the secular to the modern Ort...
Ultra-Orthodox Judaism refers to several groups within Orthodox Judaism that strictly observe Jewish religious law and separate themselves from Gentile society as well as from Jews who do not follow the religious law as strictly as they do. Learn more ab
While military service in Israel is mandatory for both genders once they reach the age of 18, ultra-orthodox or Haredi Jews have been exempt from this duty for years. Males who reach the age of 18 must prove they are engaged in full-time religious studies whereas females are routinely exemp...
Ben Ari, "Other-Worldly Soldiers? Ultra-Orthodox Views of Military Service in Contemporary Israel," Israel Affairs, 9 (2003), pp. 17-48; Stadler, "Fun- damentalism," in N. de Lange and M. Freud-Kandel (eds.), Modern Judaism: An Oxford Guide (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005),...
The Other Army of God: Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Religious Fanatics Are Steadily Infiltrating the Army, Long a Bastion of Secular Zionism, Mirroring a Growing Confrontation between Liberals and Messianic Religious Nationalists for Control Not Only of the Jewish State's Once-Vaunted Military but of ...
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