虚拟号测试后发现Ultra mobile这个运营商除了3美金月租ultra mobile paygo不能在中国漫游流量上网外,其它所有的ultra mobile套餐都是可以在中国漫游上网的,前提是充值INTL Roaming余额后,打开流量开关就行了。 在中国漫游上网的费率是0.2美金1MB,也就是200美金1GB。相信绝大多数小伙伴只会拿它来应急打开一个美国的网页,...
其它所有的ultra mobile套餐都是可以在中国漫游上网的,前提是充值INTL Roaming余额后,打开流量开关就行了...
$10.00 call anywhere credit Unlimited global sms Unlimited talk to over 90 plus countries One time credit of $10 for international roaming If you use more
However, Ultra does not offer data roaming, but it plans to provide a one-time international roaming credit worth between $5 and $15. The international roaming credit does not expire, and a user can buy more in increments of $5. Shortcodes and Coverage Unlike other T-Mobile MVNOs, Ultra...
充值INTL Roaming之后,可以使用流量上网,但200美元1GB 在中国漫游未开WiFiCalling收费如下(月租之外扣INTL Roaming余额) 接打电话0.25美元一分钟 收发短信0.05美元一条 流量上网0.2美元1MB 使用技巧 橙卡需要开通WiFiCalling才可享受套餐,所以适合苹果手机使用
If you’re looking for a carrier with strong international support, two of the best options are prepaid with Google Fi and Ultra Mobile. Google Fi has become well-known to those who travel abroad thanks to its easy international roaming, along with solid family plans for when you’re staying...
Firstly, Mint Mobile’s shortest plan duration is three months, while Ultra Mobile is happy to offer monthly options for all of its plans. Ultra Mobile also focuses a bit more on international calling, texting, and roaming. Both carriers also have a family plan, though the way they’re ...
Fast & Easy Ultra Mobile Online Recharge Refill Plans2 Choose a plan Unlimited International Calling Plans$19 Unlimited Unlimited Global Text 2GB of LTE $1.50 INTL Call Credit $5.00 INTL Roaming Credit $23 Unlimited Unlimited Global Text 2GB of LTE $1.50 INTL Call Credit $5.00 INTL Roaming ...
a free SIM card and free unlimited talk & text to 90+ international destinations. Each plan also includes unlimited talk and text in Mexico and Canada. Additional plan perks include an international calling credit of $1.50-$10 and a one-time $5-$10 international roaming credit on select plan...
Though you can make international calls and a PayGo plan does support international roaming, you still have to pay roaming fees and call rates for that country. Also, keep in mind that no domestic roaming is offered with PayGo, meaning that if you need to make a quick call while you're ...