Dry Low NOx technology pro- vides reduced NOx emissions through a staged combustion proc- ess and unique temperature and heat release strategy. This four- stage premixed combustion process is designed to produce reli- able and stable combustion, with lower level emissions and iscurrently installed ...
NOxcombustioncatalystcatalytic combustionpalladiumpalladium oxideThe potential for achieving ultra-low NOlevels (below 3 ppmv) in a gas turbine combustor via catalytic combustion has been recognized for more than 20 years []. However, the challenging environment in the combustor has until recently ...
ALZETA's Low NOx Combustion TechnologyALZETA’s CSB™ metal-fiber burner is the most common technology for ultra low NOx applications. Its high output matches the volumetric heat release needed in most furnaces and boilers, making it ideal for retrofit applications. Often, a burner can be ...
AdvanTek® combustion system gives you highly controllable and ultra-low NOx combustion for your preheating and annealing operations.
As a result of this work, a new combustion concept, called Modulated Kinetics (MK) combustion, has been developed that reduces NOx and smoke simultaneously through low-temperature combustion and premixed combustion, respectively. The characteristics of a new combustion concept were investigated using a...
BJ-Gideon Ultra Low NOx Burner发展历程(1050807)A
The technical retrofit adopting low NOxcombustion technology was carried out for a 1 000-MW ultra supercritical boiler to reduce the NOxemissions. After the retrofit, the NOxemission mass concentration was down by 42%, while the CO emission mass concentration and the carbon content of fly ash we...
(FGR). JBFX ultra low NOx burners utilize fiber mesh, surface combustion technology that covers a range from 10HP up to 500HP. The JBFX operates by premixing fuel and air to precise levels, which ensures complete combustion with very low levels of NOx, CO and unburned hydrocarbons. The ...
United States Patent US6993912 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat. Back to full textHome Search Services Contact us © 2004-2024 FreePatentsOnline.com. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy & Terms of Use....
Ultra-Low Emissions Flares for Landfill and Biogas Our ZULE® (Ultra-Low Emissions) Flare is designed to meet the stringent emission requirements of landfill and biogas applications. Utilizing advanced combustion technology, these flares achieve ultra-low NOx emissions down to 0.025 lb/MMBtu. The ...