Structural Performance of Innovative CFS Integrated Ultra-Light Weight Composite Beamsdoi:10.1007/978-3-031-12011-4_58This paper investigates the performance of double channel CFS sections placed in front-to-front and back-to-back position. An ultra-light weight concrete was used to infill the ...
A family of analytical solutions of the time-dependent wave equation, the ultrashort pulsed sinc-Gaussian light beams (UPSGLB’s), are presented in the paraxial approximation. Each of them has the product form of the monochromatic Gaussian light beam with the central frequency νc times the sin...
Home World: Land of Light, Nebula M78 Maximum Flight Speed: Mach 5 (the lyrics of Susume Ultraman states that it is Mach 3) Maximum Running Speed: 450 km/h (280 mph) Maximum Underwater Speed: 200 knots (230 mph) Maximum Underground Speed: Mach 2 Maximum Jumping Height: 800 meters (2...
Video about Soft focus bokeh light effects on water,Ultra hd 4k. Video of beams, ocean, pond - 77206575
Downsizing weight while upsizing efficiency: An experimental approach to develop optimized ultra‐light UHPC hybrid beamsCO2hybrid concrete‐steel truss structurelightweight designmicro fibersmicro‐reinforcementresource efficiencytopology optimizationUHPFRCultra‐high performance fiber‐reinforced concrete...
light manipulation, bend, focus, light beams, ultrathin, optical devices, V-antennas, broadband, material structuring, metasurfaceZeno Gaburro
Reinforced-concrete beams are widely used in building construction and civil engineering. They often have full rectangular cross-sections which is advantageous for both the simple production on site and as precast element; however, it involves high dead weight and material input simultaneously.Peter ...
Yang X X,Wu Y.Achieving an ultra-slowly propagating maximally entangled state of two light beams via four-wave mixing in a double-/\system.J.Opt.B. 2005X. Yang and Y. Wu, "Achieving an ultra-slowly propagating maximally entangled state of two light beams via four- wave mixing in a ...
Metal-semiconductor diode - for use as ultra high frequency detector e.g. for light beamsMetal-semiconductor diode consisting of an n-type substrate plate of greater resistivity in an circular zone of which n-type impurities are diffused in greater concentration than in the substrate, and a ...
Cherenkov light-based beam profiling for ultrarelativistic electron beams. Nuclear Instruments Methods Phys. Res. A 783, 35-42 5 (2015).E. Adli et al, "Cherenkov light-based beam profiling for ul- trarelativistic electron beams" Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 783, 35-42 (...