Ultra Large Scale Integration 超大规模集成电路(=ULSI) large scale integration n. [电] 大规模集成化 large scale integration technology 【计】 大规模集成技术 very large scale integration (VLSI) 超大规模集成,超大规模集成电路,甚大规模集成电路 large scale map 大比例尺地图,大比例尺图 large sca...
Ultra large-scale integration (ULSI) is the process of integrating or embedding millions of transistors on a single silicon semiconductor microchip. ULSI technology was conceived during the late 1980s when superior computer processor microchips, specifically for the Intel 8086 series, were under developm...
Ultra-large scale integration is governed by a hierarchical matrix of limits. The levels of this hierarchy can be codified as 1) fundamental, 2) material, 3) device, 4) circuit, and 5) system. Each level includes both theoretical and practical as well as analogical limits. Theoretically, the...
Ultra Large-Scale Integration Design - ScienceDirectSaburo Muroga aELSEVIEREncyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition)
The present invention features low-temperature, self- encapsulated, copper interconnect lines on silicon substrates of Ultra- Large Scale Integration (ULSI) circuits. The interconnect lines are a product of a process that includes the following steps: (a) alloying the copper with titanium in an app...
2. A fast and efficient very large scale integration(VLSI) architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform was proposed,which is a 4-input/4-output architecture. 提出了一种快速有效的二维小波变换超大规模集成电路(VLSI)。 更多例句>> 补充...
mAPvalvalues are for single-model single-scale onCOCO val2017dataset. Reproduce bypython val.py --data coco.yaml --img 640 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65 Speedaveraged over COCO val images using aAWS p3.2xlargeinstance. NMS times (~1 ms/img) not included. ...
The development of investigation on materialremoval mechanisms for different materials used in com-puter hard disk and ultra-large scale integration fabricationare reviewed here. The mechanisms underlying the interac-tion between the abrasive particles and polished surfacesduring CMP are addressed, and ...
AMD Virtex™ UltraScale™ devices provide the greatest performance and integration at 20nm, including serial I/O bandwidth and logic capacity.
The introduction of low-k/ultra-low-k (ULK) dielectric materials to accommodate the continuous scaling down of the feature sizes of IC chips to improve the device density and performance of the ultra-large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits represents great silicon and packaging integration challenges...