Ultimate Ears wireless speakers with 360-degrees of awesome audio performance, they’re portable, seriously waterproof, and virtually indestructible.. Wireless speakers that deliver unapologetically awesome experiences. Everywhere.
Genieße den Ultimate Ears Signature Sound und mehrere EQ-Modi (Bassverstärkung, Cramped Space, Tiefenentspannung und Podcast/Geang) mit der UE | BOOM App. Keinen Favoriten gefunden? Passe sie selbst an.MIT RECYCELTEM KUNSTSTOFF Die Kunststoffteile im MEGABOOM 4 bestehen zu mindestens ...
MEGABOOM 4 delivers powerfully loud, clear and immersive 360° sound with thundering bass. It’s even bassier than the previous generation. Featuring Ultimate Ears signature sound, you can hear every note which is carefully balanced. SPATIAL 360° SOUND With the iconic cylindrical design, we...
Ultimate Ears Ultimate Ears UE Megaboom Wireless Speaker (3.2)3.2 stars out of 57 reviews57 reviews Actual Color:Black selected, Black, $249.99Black$249.99 $249.99 Price when purchased online As low as $24/mo withLearn how Add to cart Free shipping, arrives by Thu, Jan 9 to ...
我們是 ULTIMATE EARS 我們率先推出具有宏亮、強勁 360° 聲音的完全防水而又超級堅固的無線®藍牙喇叭。現在,我們已經發展出完整的產品系列。從可以掛在身後的超輕盈喇叭,到讓您可以盡情搖擺的時尚語音控制喇叭,到精美的全新 BOOM 3 和 MEGABOOM 3 – 極致的便攜隨身喇叭 – Ultimate Ears 讓您以前所未有的多...
megaboom 4 delivers powerfully loud, clear and immersive 360° sound with thundering bass. it’s even bassier than the previous generation. featuring ultimate ears signature sound, you can hear every note which is carefully balanced. planet & people we’re creating a better future for our ...
Ultimate Ears MEGABOOM 3 is a supremely powerful, portable wireless speaker. It blasts loud, clear, and immersive 360° sound with deep thundering bass. And it's all meticulously balanced so you hear every note. MEGABOOM 3 is also insanely waterproof, dustproof, and drop proof, and ready to...
Ultimate Ears音箱开箱 罗技UE MEGABOOM 蓝牙音箱开箱展示(包装|重量|内部|插口) 下面是一些简单的开箱和外形,大家随意看下就好,这货的定位就是派对、户外专用,所以做工什么的还是比较粗犷的,但绝对抗操,其实以这货的声音,做广场舞音乐伴奏一点问题没有。首先是大小,大家可以自行感受下,左边是500ml的标准矿泉水瓶,右...
当前规格: Ultimate Ears 奥体美 MEGABOOM 蓝牙无线音箱全网比价 美国亚马逊 最低 ¥1229.87 商品介绍 完善信息 大体积好设计还具有IPX7防水等级的蓝牙音箱,罗技旗下UE的蓝牙音箱旗舰型号,声量不比Soundlink系列要差,无指向全域发声+防水的特性让它变成了浴室/游泳池神器。声音特点上,通透量足的低频表现十分...