Author:Dreadnought Monkeys Uploader:Coolknight1968 Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts IJN Enemies 1943 French Navy - Marine Nationale 5 Shared Designs (bindesign) pack.BB: Richelieu, BC: Dunkerque, CA: Suffren, CL: La Galisonnière, DD: Mogador.For up to Version 1.5.x and for Version 1.6.x and...
More hot mods No more Obsolete Hulls for Live I edited the resources.assets file so that older hulls are no longer obsolete. Miscellaneous By MrBrot187 285.6MB 0 13 Dreadnought Improvement Project A mod to improve the game in various ways to make the game more fun whilst remai...
We are absolutely excited with what we are making and we hope everyone who is interested about the dreadnought era and naval warfare, will join our ambitious project and support us.FEATURES Add mod Mods Reset No mods were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the mod ...
Image 6 Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Game-Labs|Released Jan 2023 summary articles reviews files addons mods videos images Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts aims to be the first game of its kind - a true naval warfare game - which offers a unique opportunity to design and build countless variations...
只要我跑的够快,炮弹就追不上我 【终极海军上将】 Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought 雷翻无畏舰发布人 这一关是要求建造驱逐舰或者鱼雷艇,击沉对面的无畏舰,解说字幕我会在投稿成功之后通过外挂字幕的方式更新算了半天装甲打算挡副炮,还是要被对面的主炮360度无死角一发入魂……这就是一代又一代的驱逐舰,都选择...
1894年某月某日,朝鲜附近海域,大清帝国水师装甲巡洋舰“宁夏”,防护巡洋舰“武川”“诸暨”三舰编队 遭遇日本海军联合舰队以战列舰“阿苏ASO”为首的护航舰队。在宁夏舰的速射炮和大口径主炮压制下。武川诸暨两舰逼近日军战列舰,果断发射鱼雷,命中两枚。击沉日军战列舰一艘。我方仅武川舰尾部和中后部中弹两枚,轻伤。
Author:Dreadnought Monkeys Uploader:Coolknight1968 Ultimate Admiral: DreadnoughtsHistory Series WW1 1914 French Navy 5 Shared Designs Ship PackBB: Bretagne BC: Durand-Vial A CA: Gueydon CL: Amiral Charner DD: AventurierFor Version and for Version 1.6 and above. ...
Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts "IJN Enemies " 1943 Royal Navy Shared Designs (bindesign) 5 ship pack.BB: King George V, BC: Admiral, CA: Swiftsure, CL: Bellona, DD: S-VFor Version 1.5.x and for Version 1.6.x and for Version 1.7.x contains ships for 3 versions. 130KB 3 132 12...
countless variations of realistic looking warships combined with an extremely in-depth and realistic combat model. We are absolutely excited with what we are making and we hope everyone who is interested about the dreadnought era and naval warfare, will join our ambitious project and support us....