学制为 18-21个月加长课程。 国际商务(高级实践)硕士 /MSc International Business(可选方向:人力资源管理 HRM /数据分析 Data Analysis) 2. 奥斯特大学增设以下专业接受3等学位,以及国内单证学生申请硕士。 管理学 MSc Management 计算机科学 MSc Computer Science 人工智能 MSc Artificial Intelligence 物联网 MSc In...
北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Construction Business and Project Management 施工企业和项目管理 学位类型:MSc,PGCert,PGDip 专业方向:商科 所属学校:University of Ulster(奥斯特大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
University of York ★University of York约克大学2021年1月入学重要截止日期提醒 University of York约克大学2021年1月入学重要截止日期提醒:申请、CAS、押金以及最晚到校日期 Ulster University ★Ulster University奥斯特大学一月入学商学院部分重...
Business Organisation and Management, School of 企业组织与管理学校 Business, Retail and Financial Services 商业,零售和金融服务学校 Hospitality and Tourism Management 接待和旅游管理学校 Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Strategy 营销,企管与策略学校 Business and Management Research Institute 工商管理研究所 Research...
University of Ulster, Faculty of Business and Management ; the A-Z of Business Schools 2007AGE: 15. HISTORY: The University of Ulster was formed in 1984 after themerger of Ulster...The Independent (London, England)
MSc Manufacturing ManagementMSc Mechanical EngineeringMSc Construction ManagementMSc Computer ScienceMSc Computer Science with ARMSc Energy StorageMSc Energy Storage with ARUlster University Business SchoolMBAMBA with APMSc Intermational BusinessMSc Intemational Business with AP...
Ulster Universityhas confirmed the closure of its school of modern languages while identifying another four subject areas for “rationalisation”. These are computing, maths, business management and marine science. The institution has blamed the decision on an £8.6 million cut in the grant ...
Economics and Econometrics Business and Management Accounting and Finance Clinical and Health301–400th Medicine and Dentistry Other Health Computer Science601–800th Computer Science Engineering501–600th General Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering ...
2nd for hospitality, event management and tourism 2nd for biomedical science 2nd for pharmacy and pharmacology 5th for agriculture 6th for psychology 10th for anatomy and physiology 2. Wide-ranging Courses One of the region's most renowned centres of education,Ulster University offers an extensive ar...
• MSc Accounting and Finance (原MSc Accounting and Financial Management) • MA Global Media and Society (原MA Media and Cultural Studies) • MA Intercultural Business Communication(原MA Intercultural Communication) Ulster Univer...