Ulcerative Colitis Mayo Endoscopic Scoring Classif icationwith Active Learning and Generative Data Augmentation¨Umit Mert C¸a˘ glar ∗† , Alperen ˙ Inci ∗† , O˘ guz Hano˘ glu † , Görkem Polat † , Alptekin Temizel †‡{mert.caglar, alperen.inci, oguz.hanoglu,...
Crohn’s and Colitis Fairness Act Letter CCFA Template Letter It’s up to you, New York, to make this bill become a law. June 10, 2015 at 4:06 pmRebecca K.Leave a comment Living in the in between For me, the worst part of being the caregiver of someone with a chronic illness and...
; ulcerative colitis; immunohistochemistry; Macrogenomics; Metabolomics1. Introduction Probiotics are living microorganisms. When consumed in appropriate amounts, they can provide health benefits to the host, including protecting the intestines, anticancer effects, immune regulation, lowering blood lipids, ...