网络胃溃疡 网络释义 1. 胃溃疡 03-17胃溃疡(ulcer of the stomach)影像学诊断03-17 胃炎(gastritis)影像学诊断 03-17 食管裂孔疝(esphageal hiatus hernia)影像 …|基于9个网页
Ulcer of the stomach. By Charles Bolton, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P. Director of Pathological Studies and Research, and Lecturer in General Pathology, University College Hospital Medical School, and Physician (with charge of out-patients), University College Hospital. Pp. 396, with 35 plates ...
Discusses the occurrence of ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during or between the months of September and April. Possible evidence that peptic ulcer is influenced by environmental factors; Occurrence of ulcer in...
penetrating ulcer of stomach 胃穿通性溃疡 penetrating ulcer 穿透性溃疡 penetrating ulcer of anastomotic stoma 穿透性吻合口溃疡 penetrating component 穿透成分 penetrating wound 贯通伤,贯通伤口 penetrating injury phr. 穿透损伤 penetrating depth 贯穿深度 penetrating quality 渗透性能 penetrating fluid...
ulceration- a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue duodenal ulcer- a peptic ulcer of the duodenum gastric ulcer- a peptic ulcer of the stomach
Define ulcer. ulcer synonyms, ulcer pronunciation, ulcer translation, English dictionary definition of ulcer. n. 1. A lesion of the skin or a mucous membrane such as the one lining the stomach or duodenum that is accompanied by formation of pus and necro
Clinical Lecture ON CHRONIC ULCER OF THE STOMACH.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)18063-9SaundbyRobertElsevier Ltd.Lancet
Anulceris a sore on the skin or on amucous membrane, such as the lining of your stomach. If left untreated,ulcerscan result in serious health problems, such asinflammationor death of tissues. Ulcersin the stomach are fairly common in Western countries. They are generally easy to treat but...
Surgical or radiological procedures may rarely be required in severe cases of peptic ulcer disease, when there is severe bleeding from an ulcer, or if there is a perforation (a hole that forms) in the stomach or duodenum. 严重的消化性溃疡病例可能需...