It means that for the 9 ethnic group of the customary law community of Sentani the concept of Ulayat rights are broad public rights and limited private rights to land, held and done by the head of the tribe, klen, and the main family, while the concept of communal rights is limited to...
I argue that claimants in the hak ulayat debate (and regarding adat land in general) stand a better chance of success if they are able to appeal to other, more modern arguments than tradition or custom. A paradox with as yet unforeseeable consequences, yet one that a strictly legal ...
HAK ULAYAT DAN MASYARAKAT ADAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN SUMBERDAYA HUTAN DI DESA WALAKONE KECAMATAN TANIWEL KABUPATEN SERAM BAGIAN BARATManagement of forest in Indonesia till now has not shown clarity about property right for area of forest. This thing has generated comple...
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Ula-Ulayeh Si estás ready, párate Sal que ya llegué Todo el mundo está de pie Me decía mi madre Que no ganan los cobardes Compartimos la emoción Hazle caso al corazón Y así lo hice, por ti lo hice Llevas tu sangre donde vas Tu lealtad es tu grandeza Lo dimos todo por llega...
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题目【题目】 sports ahou fr P. E. laes at Pepulay School.Now roles and behevier stundurds hr midle school students case nt in Mach. Midls wchocks are going to one new way to decide who the top students are. The best stakeuts was't only have high mads. They will also be kide ...
人物简介: 一、郭晓慧担任职务:郭晓慧目前担任濮阳市开发区欧亚达奥帅厨电店法定代表人;二、郭晓慧投资情况:目前郭晓慧投资濮阳市开发区欧亚达奥帅厨电店最终收益股份为0%;老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 ...