Marina Abramović与Ulay 路易斯安那州频道编辑Christian Lund采访了这两位艺术家,并拍摄了《Marina Abramovic&Ulay的故事》一片,“我很高兴记录了这个最新的快乐转折点”,他说,在这次演讲中,乌雷的临时出现让阿布拉莫维奇感到惊讶,她与她的前伴侣一起站在舞台上说笑,而这也引出了几天后的视频采访。采访视频...
当地时间3月2日,据意大利媒体和其本人Facebook主页宣布,世界著名行为艺术家乌雷(乌维·赖斯潘,Uwe Laysiepen,简称:乌雷Ulay)于睡梦中去世,享年76岁。乌雷曾与被称为“行为艺术之母”的艺术家玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇(Marina Abramović)以情侣的身份共同生活并创作了大量极具深度与强度的艺术作品,他们的爱恨情仇也被...
▲Marina Abramovic and Ulay, "AAA AAA"(1978) 1980年,两人共同创作了《潜能》,共执一套弓箭,阿布握着弓,乌雷则捏着弓上的箭,然后,他们相互向后用力,让弓箭处于即将射出的紧绷状态,稍有不慎,箭就会立即射入阿布的胸膛。 阿布说:“虽然这只持续了 4 分 10 秒,但对我来说却像永恒。这是一场完全关乎信任...
Marina Abramovic & Ulay (active since 1976) Untitled Polaroid print 84 x 56 cm. (each) Executed in 1987 (2) 来源 Benefit Auction; New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 27 April 1987. Private Collection, New York. Acquired from the above by the present owner. 注意事项 Arti...
Since 1976, Ulay has collaborated with Marina Abramović on numerous performances. Their work focused on questioning perceived masculine and feminine traits and pushing the physical limits of the body. 从1976年起,乌雷与玛丽娜·阿布拉莫...
K. Stiles,Marina Abramovic, London 2008 (illustrated, pp. 72-73). 注意事项 Artist's Resale Right ("Droit de Suite"). Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and w...
Ulay had already begun working with the curators on this major survey before he passed away in March 2020. While the works that Ulay made with Marina Abramović are iconic, ULAY WAS HERE shows that he had an impressive solo oeuvre, both before and afte
我无法抗拒Marina Abramovic(玛莲娜·阿布拉莫维奇)的眼睛。I just can't。像是一个深邃的黑洞,瞬间刺痛人的灵魂深处,把你完全拽入到一个没有尽头的深渊里面。她的眼睛,是另外一个时空的入口。在圣彼得堡的欧洲当代艺术双年展上,阿布拉莫维奇在屏幕里面偏执地发疯似的梳着自己的头发,神经质地不断念叨“艺术...
转自年行為藝術教母Marina Abramovic在紐約MOMA舉辦"The Artist Is Present"展覽,此展覽除了展出一系列行為藝術之外,最後一個展出由Marina親自上陣...已經63歲的她一週六天、每天7小時坐在椅子上專注地看著陌生的人,不
Performance artists and former lovers Marina Abramović and Ulay are to tell their story in a new co-written memoir. The book will survey the duo’s artistic career and turbulent relationship, spanning over a decade. Talking toArtnetin New York, Ulay said: ‘There are so many unbelievable ...