UL5085-1(中英文) 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 18 Tests 18.1 The specifications and order for tests are noted in the subsequent parts of this standard. 18.2 Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be conducted at the supply voltages specified in Table 12. 480V的电压进行 18.3 When marked, ...
(层绝缘) 19.1 This test shall be performed as noted in Clauses 11.4.1 and 11.4.7. The insulating material shall be placed between two opposing electrodes. The electrodes shall be cylindrical brass or stainless steel rods 6.4 mm (0.25 in) in diameter with edges rounded to a 0.8 mm (0.031...
第1 版 2006.4.17 发布 内容简介 适用于低压变压器(第1 部分:基本要求)的安全标准UL5085-1(第1 版)包含 了针对2005 年4 月22 日 和2005 年10 月28 日出版的5085 标准的一些修订内容。有关标准的修订内 容来自CSA C22.2 No. 66(特殊变 压器)、UL506(特殊变压器标准)和UL1585(2 类与3 类变压...
UL5085-1 (中英文)18 Tests 18.1 The specifications and order for tests are noted in the subsequent parts of this standard. 18.2 Unless otherwise specified,all testsshall be conducted at the supply voltages specifiedin Table 12.480V的电压进行 18.3 When marked, the primary input in amperes, volt...
UL5085-1 (中英文)钢铁侠1中英文字幕中英文在线翻译中英文翻译阿甘正传中英文字幕中英文朗读专家中英文翻译器中英文互译中英文转换器中英文简历中英文转换 18 Tests 18.1 The specifications and order for tests are noted in the subsequent parts of this standard. 18.2 Unless otherwise specified,all testsshall ...