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Create your free account or sign into Prospector. 加工 Find specific processing information for OB as well as general information for the Masterbatch -- Optical Brightener generic family. 注册 或 登录 了解更多信息。 购买地点 您可以從 1 個經銷商或製造商處購買 OB Masterbatch。 注册 或 登录...
Search Prospector Create your free account today! Home Polene LDPE D 2024 Polene LDPE D 2024Generic Family: Polyethylene, Low Density • Supplied by: TPI Polene Public Company Limited Properties Processing Where To Buy General Properties Access the complete datasheet details for Polene LDPE ...
Access 6 properties in Additives. Create your free account or sign into Prospector. 加工 Find specific processing information for MAGCARB® as well as general information for the Additive -- Flame Retardant generic family.或了解更多信息。
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Search Prospector Create your free account today! Home Westlake Ardel® Westlake Ardel®Generic Family: Polyarylate • Supplied by: Westlake Plastics Company Ardel™ PAR polyarylate is a transparent, light-amber colored polymer that exhibits good toughness, superior optical and mechanical ...
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Search Prospector Create your free account today! Home Westlake Norylux™ Westlake Norylux™Generic Family: Polyphenylene, Unspecified • Supplied by: Westlake Plastics Company Norylux™ PPO modified Poly Phenylene Oxide is a high-strength, amorphous, engineering plastic with outstanding ...