UL Procyon benchmark suite features The UL Procyon® benchmark suite offers a range of benchmarks and performance tests. Each is designed for a specific use case and uses real applications when possible. All tests in the suite share a common design and feature set that makes it easy to ...
UL Procyon-Benchmark-Suite AI Inferenz-Benchmark Office Productivity-Benchmark Photo Editing-Benchmark Video Editing-Benchmark Testdriver Benchmarks 3DMark 3DMark für Android 3DMark für iOS PCMark 10 PCMark für Android VRMark Weitere Benchmarks Services PC-Leistungsdaten für Einzelhändler BDP...
Benchmark-Entwicklungsprogramm Wir erweitern die UL Procyon Benchmark-Reihe ständig um weitere Benchmarks und Testoptionen und arbeiten eng mit unseren Branchenpartnern zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass jede Procyon-Benchmark präzise, relevant und unparteiisch ist. ...
Home of the world's best benchmarks and most popular performance tests including 3DMark, PCMark, Servermark, and VRMark. Get started with free downloads.
The Procyon office productivity benchmark from UL Solutions uses Microsoft Office applications to measure Windows PC and Apple Mac performance in office productivity tasks. The benchmark workloads are built on relevant, real-world tasks using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. ...
UL Procyon UL Procyon benchmark suite AI Inference Benchmark Office Productivity Benchmark Photo Editing Benchmark Video Editing Benchmark Testdriver Benchmarks 3DMark 3DMark for Android 3DMark for iOS PCMark 10 PCMark for Android VRMark More benchmarks Services Performance data for retailers Bench...
笔记本电脑评测工具PCMark、3DMark 很多人都已经非常熟悉了。 如今PCMark和3DMark 背后的公司UL Benchmark推出了新的评测套件UL Procyon软件,该评测套件包括了全新的Office 生产力性能测试、PS和LR性能测试,以及…
UL benchmark公司在2023年3月20日发布新闻稿,宣布推出了针对Windows个人电脑的全新AI推理能力评测软件,集成在其评测套装UL Procyon中。其AI推理能力评测软件的英文全称为UL Procyon AI Inference Benchmark for Windows。此前UL的AI推理能力评测软件仅在手机端运行,手机端的拍照功能对于NPU、AI算力要求较高。
UL launches Procyon, a new suite of benchmark tests for professional users. September 2020 Test Android AI performance with the Procyon AI Inference Benchmark. October 2020 Compare the latest Apple, Android and Windows devices with 3DMark Wild Life. ...
Procyon suite Procyon is a new suite of benchmarks for professional users. 它包括办公室生产力、照片和视频编辑等方面的测试。每个基准测试都是针对特定用例设计的,并在可能的情况下使用实际应用程序。 更多 AI 图像生成基准测试 Procyon AI 图像生成基准测试能提供一致、准确且可理解的工作负载,以便对设备上强大...