Some local codes require electrical equipment to be investigated by a recognized inspection agency. Listing by Underwriters' Laboratories is a widely accepted solution in the United States. This paper relates some of the procedures, tests, and restrictions that are placed upon the equipment manufacturer...
UL认证标志(UL Listing Mark)、分类认证标志(Classification Mark)、公认部件认证标志如图2所示。FCC是美国联邦通信委员会的缩写,由于FCC制定了涉及电子设备的电磁兼容性和操作人员人身安全等一系列产品质量的性能标准,并且这些标准已经广泛使用并得到世界上不少国家的技术监督部门或类似机构的认可。因此在各个厂家生产的...
Guide Information for Electrical Equipment for Use in Ordinary Locations USE AND INSTALLATION This category covers switches (mechanical or electronic) for, or in, appliances actuated by hand, by foot, or by other human activity, to operate or control electrical appliances and other equipment for ...
National Electrical Code® (NEC®) requirements Listing versus field evaluation Field Evaluation Body (FEB) Competency and recommended practices (ANSI/NFPA 790 and ANSI/NFPA 791) Field evaluation process Real-world examples Related offerings
避免潜在风险:如果产品没有通过UL测试或没有提供UL测试报告,可能会面临被暂停销售、listing被下架等风险。此外,如果产品在使用过程中发生安全事故,商家还可能面临法律纠纷和赔偿责任。 UL测试报告的办理流程 一般来说,办理UL测试报告的流程包括以下几个步骤: 填写申请表:向UL机构或具备ISO 17025资质的实验室提交申请,并...
use in gas-fired equipment and marine environments use in plumbing, security, and signaling applications This determination ultimately results in the placement of the UL Listed Mark on the finished consumer product. UL Listing Status Additionally, if the product has the UL Listed Mark affixed on it...
Is UL Listing Required? Even though being UL Listed is not required, OSHA 1910.399 states that any electrical equipment to be installed must be accepted, certified, listed, or labeled by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. This means your device or equipment can be sold in America but ...
There are a number of electrical mitigation strategies, however, in the event that SCCR was overlooked in the plant’s design or in the purchase of replacement equipment. Special attention should be paid to maintaining the UL listing of the equipment. UL 508A gives direction on how to determin...
A basic concept is that "Listing" can only refer to stand-alone products with a specific function, tested against UL's published and nationally-recognized standards for safety for a specific category of equipment. The image below shows the "UL Listed" mark with the "C" and "US" adders sig...
For engineers, using UL499 recognized components ensures that the products will be safe and reliable in larger systems, such as machinery or equipment that require a UL listing. The purpose of having a recognized part is to ensure that all aspects of the equipment adhere to the standards set ...