ASTM D 635, Test Method for Rate ofBurning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Self-Supporting Plastics in aHorizontal Position (IEC 707, Methods of Test for the Determination of the Flammabilityof Solid Electrical Insulating Materials When Exposed to an Igniting Source,ISO 1210, Plastics – ...
318 UL 5085-3 CRD-2010 2010-02-02 English UL Standard for Safety Low Voltage Transformers – Part 3: Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers - Section / Paragraph Reference: Table 7 Subject: Maximum temperature rise for Class 120(E) transformer insulation system - Edition 1: April 17, 2006 319 ...
237 UL 746F BULLETIN-2021 2021-11-19 English UL Standard for Safety For Flexible Dielectric Film Materials for Use in Printed Wiring Boards and Flexible Materials Interconnect Constructions - COMMENTS DUE: December 20, 2021 238 UL 746E BULLETIN-2021 2021-11-19 English UL Standard for Safety Pol...
UL 244A Standard for Solid-State Controls for Appliances UL 246 Standard for Hydrants for Fire-Protection Service UL 248-1 Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 1: General Requirements UL 248-2 Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 2: Class C Fuses UL 248-3 Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 3: Class CA and CB Fuses...
带有现场接线、现场接端子, 推入式端子的 CLASS P LED 驱动需要标上“Use only within anenclosure”或相等标签。标签可以印产品或安装说明书中。 02 6.7 Polymeric potting compound 6.7.3 Polymeric potting compound that can touch any part of theinsulation system of a transformer shall be tested in accorda...
(42.4 volts peak) or a direct current voltage of not more than 60 volts and supplied by: a) An inherently limited Class 2 transformer or power unit or a not inherently limited Class 2 transformer or power unit and an overcurrent protective device that is: 1) Not of the automatic ...
78.4 Miles from Radebeul A conference on modern refractory materials and significant advancements in high-temperature technologies will be held in Prague at the Czech Association of Technical Societies, Novotného lávka 5. ConferenceIndustrial Engineering Follow2Sat...
UL 1604 Apr 28 1994 Standard for Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2, and Class III Hazardous (Classified) Locations 用于1级和2级及3级危险区域电器设备标准 587.??? UL 1610 Oct 26 1998 Standard for Central-Station Burglar-Alarm Units 防盗中央报警站设备标准 588.??
带有现场接线、现场接端子, 推入式端子的 CLASS P LED 驱动需要标上“Use only within anenclosure”或相等标签。标签可以印产品或安装说明书中。 02 6.7 Polymeric potting compound 6.7.3 Polymeric potting compound that can touch any part of theinsulation system of a transformer shall be tested in accorda...
58 UL 746A BULLETIN-2010 2010-04-30 English UL Standard for Safety Polymeric Materials 鈥?Short Term Property Evaluations - COMMENTS DUE: June 14, 2010 59 UL 79 BULLETIN-2010 2010-04-30 English UL Standard for Safety Power-Operated Pumps for Petroleum Dispensing Products - COMMENTS DUE: MAY...