Ukulele Blues Fingerpicking Lesson for Beginners: Pattern #1 3 Best Ways to Play the E Major Chord on Ukulele How to Play a C Major Scale on Ukulele Somewhere Over the Rainbow Ukulele Chords & Lesson Ukulele Sizes: Soprano, Concert, Tenor & Baritone Master the Bb Chord on Ukulele Wi...
Ukulele Tricks teaches you how to play ukulele with easy-to-follow video lessons. Learn how even if you've never played an instrument before in your life.
Never Stop Strumming It’s fair to say I’ve helped a few newcomers to ukulele in my time, whether that’s been my own kids or people that emailed me for some extra tips. One thing I notice when it comes to rhythm though is that a lot ofukulele beginners are far too eager to stop...
‘n play ukulele for Kids bookand CD by Mike Jackson. After two weeks of lessons the beginners in the group can play the C and F chords and five songs! The advanced members of the group are working their way throughUncle Rod’s Ukulele Boot Campresource. Below is a photo of the ...
They are made out of plastic but they have great tone and playability for the price. Definitely replace the default strings that come with it with nicer higher-quality ukulele strings. This is a perfect ukulele for beginners on a budget or those who want a good “throw-it-in-your-...
Learn Ukulele with Ukulele Online Course, step-by-step video lessons made for beginners with Free Music Sheets, Ukulele Song Tutorials, and software.
Ukulele Basics – Learning and Practicingis a great resource for players just starting out, as well as those looking to build a more solid foundation of knowledge and skills. Get your copy today Ukulele Basics – Learning and Practicingincludes lessons from some of the ...
Recent Lessons The Most Popular Ukulele Brands Complicating Our Chords: Maj 6, Maj9, 7ths, 11ths and 13ths. Two Chord Songs for Beginners Top 5 Ukuleles for Beginners Ukulele Strings Ukulele tuner – How to tune? Download the PocketUkulele Tuner App, the most accurate tuning App on Android...
The best ukulele for beginners is probably a soprano uke. Thanks to its small size and narrow fret spacing, it’s perfect for players with smaller fingers and less hand strength to get to grips with. Also because of the small body size, they’re easy to wield and lightweight too, perfec...
The best online ukulele lessons for all levels, from kids to adults, from beginners to teachers. Learn the ukulele online from Uketropolis with James Hill.