The Supreme Court has now received formal notification of the Government’s intention to appeal the High Court’s decision of 3 November in the above matter. Permission to appeal has been granted by a panel of three Justices (Lord Neuberger, Lord Mance and Lord Kerr) and the...
This week, the UK Supreme Court refused permission to appeal in the matter of Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union v Wightman and others. In this application, the UK Government sought permission to appeal against a decision of the Inner House o...
The Supreme Court has received an application for permission to appeal in the case of R (Shindler & Anor) v Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster & Anor. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appellants’ challenge to the EU Referendum Act 2015, s 2, which exc...
It’s said that a Supreme Court document released on Thursday states: “The court ordered that permission to appeal be refused because the application does not raise an arguable point of law of general public importance which ought to be considered by the Supreme Court at this time, bearing in...
Similarly in Re I (a child) it’s suggested that the permission to appeal application was referred to the Justices on 1 October 2009 – even though the case was listed on 16 September 2009. It’s also noted that the lower Court granted permission to appeal, which would mean there was ...
Mr Crosland sought to appeal against the order, on the basis that he had not been in contempt at all, and against the order for costs. Permission to appeal was granted by the same panel which heard the contempt application, and it was to be heard before a panel of five judges, none ...
The Upper Tribunal did however issue a “leapfrog” certificate which enabled FirstPort to apply for permission to appeal directly to the Supreme Court and to bypass the Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court decision In a unanimous judgment, the Supreme Court agreed with FirstPo...
The Court has not yet provided any information about permission to appeal and other interim decisions made by either the UKSC or the JCPC. These were formerly available on the House of Lords and Privy Council website and were of interest the legal profession and the wider public. We hope ...
Permission to appeal was granted in respect of the application of the Collision Regulations. However, permission to appeal against Teare J’s apportionment of liability was refused. The Court of Appeal Decision The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal. The Court of Appeal held that both vessels,...
The analysis surrounding the permission to appeal stage, and governmental actors’ tendency to enjoy success at this stage, will be of interest to many, though it remains slightly unclear why the government should prevail more often than not (other than perhaps some evidence ...