(UPDATE 5!!!) Su-27 with unknown combat number as part of the Ukrainian Air Force's 831st BrTA
Ukraine’s air force said it downed 83 out of 147 drones that Russia launched overnight, adding another 59 were “lost” without causing damage. Russia’s defense ministry said it had “intercepted and destroyed” 90 Ukrainian drones, including 24 over the southern region of Krasnodar, where t...
Russia has been using this weapon in recent weeks to strike staging areas used by Ukrainian forces, command and control centers, airfields, defense industrial facilities, and other military targets. Read more Kiev planned Kursk incursion long in advance – ex-defense minister The incursion into...
商品編號:HA6010 商品規格:1/72金屬完成品 其他說明: 建議售價:NT$4590 網路特價:NT$3,670 商品說明
During an air show attended by 10,000 spectators, an SU-27 fighter jet crashed into the stands and then exploded, turning about 100 people into a bloody jumble. The shocking television news footage shows peoples remains being identified literally from body parts. Ukrainian Defense Minister ...
Cirium data shows that at thebeginning of 2022, before the war started, Ukraine had 112 fighters and 112 combat helicopters. That figure excludes the Ukrainian air force’s Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatross jet trainers, but does include eight RAC MiG-29s and six Su-27s allocat...
UOC lawyer Amsterdam: Documents reveal Ukraine’s plan to ban UOC and force it to join Constantinople Thousands fill Pochaev Lavra for feast of Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God (+VIDEO) Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates Baptism of Rus’, feast of St. Vladimir the Great (+VIDEO) Ki...
The BMP-K-64 (БМП-К-64), also known as BMPT-K-64, was a Ukrainian wheeled heavy armored personnel carrier (HAPC) developed on the chassis of the T-64 main battle tank (MBT). It was developed by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (KMDB), as a private project to...
We all know how rogue pilots in Turkey air force shot down our SU and then organized pro American coup. How they hunted Erdogan, and who rescued him. They also were the 'elite forces,' boys from good families. Now, either dead or rotting in jails. ...
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