Here are the latest updates from the Ukraine-Russia front in maps. Moscow's troops are continuing to conduct assaults on positions in Ukraine's south and east, though not as fast as they were last month. The Institute for the Study of War said that Russian forces advance...
Bennett says it's more than likely that Putin will spin this morning's attack and use it as propaganda for his war in Ukraine. He says the incident will be painted as an act of terrorism "as a way to get the public onside" and to get them behind the war as we approach the third...
Monday, 06 Jan 2025 00:15 Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC + 02:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not in use Kyiv. Map of location See other cities ofUkraine View travel resources forKyiv DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time ...
Google has temporarily disabled Google Maps’ live traffic feature in Ukraine in order to protect citizens during the Russian invasion, reportViceandReuters. The feature, which uses anonymous location data collected from Android smartphones, is intended to give users a sense of how muchtraffic there...
Blinken noted that Russia was not making serious efforts in negotiations with Ukraine to end the war. “On the one hand, we commend Ukraine for being at the table despite being under bombardment every minute of the day,” Blinken said. ...
The Institute for the Study of War thinktank also noted unverified reports suggesting a contingent of Russian and North Korean troops had lost 200 soldiers after a Ukrainian drone swarm at the weekend. Troops from the country have joined Russian ...
Maps show Moscow's troops are continuing to conduct assaults on positions in Ukraine's south and east. The Institute for the Study of War has noted Russian offensive operations and some territorial gain near Kupiansk, Toretsk and Pokrovsk. ...
Ukraine has accused Russia of various war crimes during the three-month conflict with Russia. Investigations and evidence is being gathered to support those claims, against a backdrop of a very live conflict. For its part, Russia has denied targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure, despite ov...
ExplainerWar in Ukraine Tracking Ukraine’s battle against Russia in maps and charts The FT ViewThe editorial board How to secure an acceptable deal for Ukraine Tony Barber A long nightmare of repression awaits Ukraine’s occupied lands News in-depthMisinformation From vaccines to votes: Russian...
ExplainerWar in Ukraine Tracking Ukraine’s battle against Russia in maps and charts A visual guide to the war War in Ukraine Ukraine renews offensive inside Russia Ukrainian forces seek to recapture Russian territory as they are being pushed back elsewhere ...