"Today's shelling of the Poltava region is perhaps the largest during the full-scale war," Lunin wrote on Telegram. Twelve rockets hit the infrastructure facilities in Kremenchuk, with most of them striking the oil refinery, Lunin said. The attack caused a fire at the oil refinery, Lunin sa...
"It is ideologically unacceptable for us to give something to the Russian Federation and pretend that it was some kind of easy war," Podolyak said, noting that many Ukrainian civilians were either killed or assaulted in the conflict, making it impossible for Ukraine to make concessions to Russi...
Ukraine was home to about 44 million people in 2022, today there are only about 34 million people still living in the country due to the Russia-Ukraine war. Of these about 78% are Ukrainians and about 17% consider themselves Russians. The official language is Ukrainian, however, almost all...
Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategy is to outlast the West in terms of its support for the war in Ukraine, Western officials said Wednesday. The officials — who spoke in a press briefing on condition of anonymity — said Putin was banking on the Russian war effort outlasting Western ...
The bombing of the theater was condemned by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba as a war crime. "Today the invaders destroyed the Drama Theatre. A place where more than a thousand people found refuge," Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko said in a statement late Wednesday night. "We will nev...
Here are some key facts on the Kinzhal, which means "dagger" in Russian: - It is an air-launched ballistic missile that is capable of carrying nuclear or conventional warheads. Ukraine said six of them were fired on Thursday. - It has a reported range of 1,500 to 2,...
More Missiles Are Not the Answer, Unless You Want World War III It’s Friday the 13th, and though I’m not superstitious about the date, I’m not liking this headline in today’sNew York Times: Top News Biden Poised to Approve Ukraine’s Use of Long-Range Western Weapons in Russia ...
Badly targeted DOS attack against APRS breaks https://t.co/vP56igBLRM and other global APRS services last night and today. Likely someone in Poland attacking Russian hams, many of whom likely oppose this crazy war and invasion. The packet flood affects APRS globally. Stop it. pic.twitter.co...
Russia Invades Ukraine Again and Again- Just Facts not the FictionGeorge Eliason
“Zalinsky has been exposed as not only corrupt but incompetent, interfering with the war’s course and leading to significant losses for Ukraine.” Zelensky’s Political Dilemma The United States is pressuring Zelensky to resolve the leadership crisis to maintain international support for Ukra...