The Monitor is a dedicated platform for near real-time information on the war, including an interactive map of the latest data from the start of the invasion onward, a curated data file, and weekly situation updates.
August 9, 2024 ISW’s daily campaign assessments of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including our static maps, are available; you can subscribe to these daily reports and other updateshere. For additional insights and analysis from ISW, follow us on Twitter@TheStudyofWar....
Ukraine, as a reminder, is on Europe's eastern border. Its refugees have overwhelmingly fled to Europe. Its economy is tied in with Europe, as is its history and culture. However you dress it up, the war in Ukraine affects the future of Europe more than it does the future of Ameri...
Ukraine military image of the naval drone strike on the Russia warship Sergey Kotov off the coast of occupied Crimea, March 5, 2024 Tuesday’s Coverage: UK to Germany — Provide Taurus Cruise Missiles to Kyiv Map: Institute for the Study of War UPDATE 1851 GMT: Five people have been killed...
Map: Institute for the Study of War UPDATE 1812 GMT: Ukrainian forcesdamaged at least three of Russia’s warplanesat the Belbek military airfield near Sevastopol in Russian-occupied Crimea, says Ukraine Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat.
转发微博【转发】@蜗牛柯基:🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukraine War Map 2023.3.26 地图(亲西方信源,大家参考)🇷🇺深入工业区,进入西北居民区。🇷🇺也沿着巴赫穆特卡河继续在城市南部推进。#俄乌局势新进展##微博新知博主##俄乌战争一...
The skies over the country have been closed since the war began. 7 hour ago7h ago17:05 Mapped: The current battlefield situation With the war now in its fourth year, we take a look at the latest situation on the battlefield. The first map on this slider shows a wide view of the ...
The war in Ukraine is dominating conversations at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy making the most of the opportunity to address the global business and political elite. Zelenskyy told delegates that his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin,had...
Texas 66 Texas Ukraine Startup Austin 66 Security Clearances at the Speed of Startups Steve Blank AUGUST 13, 2024 Over the last five years more of my students have understood that Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine and strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China mean that the wo...
As per that law, a general election was scheduled to go ahead in Ukraine in 2024, but it was not held because of martial law being in place due to the war. Ukrainian law prohibits parliamentary or presidential elections during a state of martial law - when the civilian government is replac...