This interactive map complements the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW daily produces with high-fidelity and, where possible, street level assessments of the war in Ukraine. ISW’s daily campaign assessments of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including our static maps, are available atunders...
"There will be a crisis in the world," he warned. "The second crisis after the energy one, which was provoked by Russia. Now it will create a food crisis if we do not unblock the routes for Ukraine, do not help the countries of Africa, Europe, Asia, which need these food products....
The Ukraine is subdivided into 24 Oblasts (provinces), most of which have not seen any fighting or unrest. The Oblasts that have seen unrest are as follows : The mauve province is the Crimea, which has already been annexed by Russia and is considered Russian territory, although this situati...
Geographical and historical treatment of Ukraine, including maps and statistics as well as a survey of its people, economy, and government. Ukraine is located in eastern Europe and is the second largest country on the continent after Russia. Its capital
The Monitor is a dedicated platform for near real-time information on the war, including an interactive map of the latest data from the start of the invasion onward, a curated data file, and weekly situation updates.
Claim location: Embassy of Russia, Kyiv, Ukraine MISLEADING: Vladimir Putin said, “In our view what is now happening in Donbas is genocide.” Claim location: Donbas, Ukraine (approx.) FALSE: Enemy saboteurs planned an attack in the Donetsk region. ...
Close-up map of territorial control within the self-proclaimed boundaries of the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, which now claim to be part of Russia (based on the design of our classicmap of rebel control in the Donbas, upgraded to include roads and terrain) ...
Subscribe Now! Subscribe for full access to all conflict map reports! Russia-led forces have nearly surrounded the last Ukraine-held city in Luhansk after capturing two long-contested towns nearby, and have just about completed their control of Mariupol. On the other hand, Ukrainian forces have ...
The invasion has reinforced the determination of the NATO alliance, instead of splintering it as Putin intended, and convinced Sweden and Finland to finally begin the formal process ofjoining NATO. The push comes asRussia's assault on Ukrainehas raised fears for other countries in the region. Mo...
The Latest: US splits with European allies at UN by refusing to blame Russia for invading Ukraine•Feb. 24, 2025, 9:08 PM ET (AP) Ukraine’s modern economy was developed as anintegralpart of the larger economy of theSoviet Union. While receiving a smaller share (16 percent in the 19...