The subject to taxation is the part of income proportional to the amount of exceeds 0% There is an additional 1.5% military tax which is imposed on personal income. Capital Gains In general both companies and individuals pay 18% tax except for certain capital gains defined by law. Social...
The country has rolled out a new requirement for foreign individuals who are tax residents of Ukraine. April 30, 2012 is the last day for filing personal income tax return in Ukraine. The country has also introduced a new annual personal income tax return form for 2011. The Parliament has ...
MOSCOW. Dec 28 (Interfax) - Ukraine's National Revenue Strategy for 2024-2029 enables tax authorities to access information on taxpayers' bank accounts, reinstates a progressive personal income tax system and transforms the country's system of excise taxes on tobacco products and fuel to bring it...
Ukrainian resident corporations and non-resident corporations that carry on business in Ukraine through permanent establishments are required to file quarterly (in certain cases annual) corporate income tax returns and financial statements. Tax returns must be submitted on a quarterly basis, with all ret...
Personal income tax (PIT) at 5 percent, single social contribution at 22 percent of the minimum salary, military tax at 1.5 percent. If a specialist’s remuneration amounts exceeds €240,000 per year, the amount of remuneration exceeding this limit will ...
In late 2024, the government introduced its first wartime tax hikes. The war tax on personal income rose from 1.5 per cent to five per cent, while taxes on banking profits increased to 50 per cent. These measures aim to generate an additional 3.4 billion US dollars annually, which will be...
Other local taxes According to the Tax Code, there are other local taxes that may be levied at the discretion of the local authorities (i.e. vehicle parking place duties, tourism duty). Corporate - Corporate residence Corporate - Branch income...
You can talk for hours about Ukraine’s tax legislation: corporate profits tax, withholding tax, accounting issues, transfer pricing (a must), VAT, personal income tax (a big plus) and your colleagues and clients understand your messages and ideas. ...
Annual income declaration must be submitted between March 1 and June 1. In the declaration, the income received during 2022 is indicated and the personal income tax payable is calculated. When submitting an annual income declaration, income is subject to the non-taxable minimum and relief for dep...
Annual income declaration must be submitted between March 1 and June 1. In the declaration, the income received during 2022 is indicated and the personal income tax payable is calculated. When submitting an annual income declaration, income is subject to the non-taxable minimum and relief for dep...