Google has temporarily disabled Google Maps’ live traffic feature in Ukraine in order to protect citizens during the Russian invasion, reportViceandReuters. The feature, which uses anonymous location data collected from Android smartphones, is intended to give users a sense of how muchtraffic there...
Fears that the Russian military was indeed weaponizing Google Maps appeared to come true when rumors began to spread that the secret service had employed digital markers as well as physical, using the tool to indicate strategic targets. (If changes are made either by a highly-rated guide or b...
The live birth rate in Ukraine declined to 7.3 births per thousand population in 2021, which was the lowest figure over the past decade. Looking at the period from 2000, the indicator took the highest value of 11.4 live births per thousand inhabitants in 2012. ...
If you live here or have visited in the past few years, it may be worthwhile to curate some image collections and share your travel itinerary, to show the world that we are still on the map and have plenty of amazing things to see and do. Creative suite editing can be a fantastic way...
To compare our explosion catalogue with publicly reported attacks, we collected conflict data provided by the Live Universal Awareness Map (Liveuamap; in the same region (Methods). This platform aggregates reported events from various media outlets using artificial intelligence,...
for example, someone using Google Maps traffic data to see where there might be some abnormal traffic jams:[ This feature was later disabled in Ukraine to hide the movement of Ukrainian troops. ] I could also see some of the places being targeted before it was live on the news channels I...
in Klevan is probably sufficient for most people. Coming from Kyiv or Lviv, you will have to first get to Rivne or Lutsk and probably overnight there. This map also shows Klevan and the Tunnel of Love’s location in relation to Kyiv and Lviv (click on it to open in Google maps). ...
Google Scholar Bratslavsky, P. F. et al. Notice of geological map of the Volino-Podilska Serie, at the 1:200000 scale; sheets M-35-XXVIII (Bar) et M-35-XXXIV (Moguiliv-Podilsky) (2008). Ivantsov, A. Y. et al. Upper Vendian Macrofossils of Eastern Europe. Middle Dniester Area...
To find the place it a nightmare, out of 3 Navigators and Google Maps one has to drive through a Labyrinth and get lost several times prior to get use to the right way. Signages are urgently needed from the main streets onwards.
Live Nation The live music company said it "will not promote shows, and we will not do business with Russia." The company is also reviewing its vendors so it can stop work with any Russian-based suppliers. Live Nation joins the world in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and applaud...