Jakub Hałun/wikicommons Share Ukraine’s growing collection of foreign-donatedMiG-29 Fulcrum fighterswas recently bolstered by Poland. “Several Polish [Mig-29s] have already arrived in Ukraine,” Marcin Przydacz, head of the Presidential Office of International Policy,told the PolishRMF FMradio...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17 → Reply AstolfoKawaii 3 years ago, # ^ | +8 Yes, that's true, as I said all parties are responsible. And as I also said it's an extremely controversial controversial conflict. You can't even definitely say if Russian weap...
there also appears to be an element who favour a far more dangerous approach. They are calling for a Libya-style no fly zone over Ukraine, with US / NATO air forces given orders to engage and shoot down Russian aircraft, which
During the crisis in Ukraine, health must remain a priority pillar of the humanitarian response, with health systems and facilities remaining protected, functional, safe and accessible to all who need essential medical services, and health workers protected so they can continue to save lives This mu...
Capture from Ukrainian Air Force video//Wikimedia Commons Rearview from Ukrainian Su-25 turning immediately after launching its Zuni rocket payload towards Russian positions (see smoke contrails below) and while releasing flare decoys (the bright streaks above the contrails) to protect against infrared...
In 2024, France and the U.K. also changed policy by authorizing use of Storm Shadow against targets on Russian soil involved in attacks on Ukraine, such as airbases, artillery, and long-range anti-aircraft missiles. Russian social media//Wikimedia Commons Aftermath of Storm Shadow missile st...
George Chernilevsky photo (CCA-SA3)//Wikimedia Commons S-200V on display at Ukrainian Air Force museum in Vinnytsya in 2008, while the missile was still in service. Note the S-125 Pechora medium-range system in background. Ukraine managed to restore S-125s to service but no...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Balyun_airstrikes plus IIRC couple other more minor episodes resulting in dead Turkish soldiers. It was so sad when this escalated into WW3 that killed ev... Ohh wait. Reply With Quote 2024-08-05, 10:59 AM #40060 Jessicka The Unstoppable Force ...
Photo:Andrew Butko/Wikimedia CC Ukraine’s Minister for Foreign Affairs has lashed out at Apple over its decision to depict the disputed peninsula of Crimeaas belonging to Russia— when Apple Maps is viewed by users in Russia. In a tweet, Vadym Prystaiko said that Apple should stick to “...
Sukhoi Design Bureau, 054, Sukhoi Su-57 (Wikimedia Commons, Anna Zvereva from Tallinn, Estonia) Even without the newest Su-57 in the inventory, the Russian Air Force should still dominate in the skies over Ukraine. They outnumber Ukrainian air forces 20 – 1. Russian forces have access to...