中国学生可以直接报名参加BMO Round1。 以前想要参加BMO必须先参加SMC(Senior Maths Challenge)并取得优异成绩,而SMC不接受个人报名,必须由英国教育体制的学校统一报名。 而从去年开始,中国学生可以直接报名参加BMO Round 1,有时间精力和一定数学能力的同学们可不要错过这个机会啦! 竞赛信息 面向学生: 在校高中生 活动...
●中级数学竞赛IMC(Intermediate Mathematical Challenge ) ●高级数学竞赛SMC(Senior Mathematical Challenge ) 对于处在申请阶段的学生来说,参与的比较多的是SMC(Senior Mathematical Challenge,高年级数学个人挑战赛),它也是BMO(British Mathematical Olympiad,英国数学奥林匹克竞赛)的前置比赛。往年的申请生需要先参加SMC取...
IMC全称Intermediate Mathematical Challenge 中级数学挑战赛,适合Y11及以下的英国学生,及同等年级段的国际...
An inspiring cohort of 50 students from our college participated in the rigorous UKMT Junior Maths Challenge this year.
高级挑战赛 Senior ChallengesUKMT高级挑战赛主要针对Year 13及以下的学生,主要包括Senior Mathematical Challenge(简称SMC)、Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、British Maths Olympiad Round 1(简称BMO 1),和British Maths Olympiad Round 2(简称BMO 2)。其中Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、BMO 1是SMC的后续回合...
中级数学挑战赛Intermediate Mathematical Challenge,IMC(Year 11及以下) 高级数学挑战赛Senior Mathematical Challenge,SMC(Year 13及以下) 初级数学挑战赛 Junior Mathematical Challenge JMC是为Year 8或以下的学生提供的入门级挑战。 考试时长 学生需要在1小时内完成25道选择题。
As well as practising with the past papers linked below, you can prepare for the challenge by taking a Mathsaurus online course. In the free course ‘Get Ready for the Senior Maths Challenge‘ you can practise real past SMC questions, each with a video hint and solution. In the upgraded ...
UKMT高级挑战赛主要针对Year 13及以下的学生,主要包括Senior Mathematical Challenge(简称SMC)、Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、British Maths Olympiad Round 1(简称BMO 1),和British Maths Olympiad Round 2(简称BMO 2)。 其中Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo、BMO 1是SMC的后续回合,只有在SMC中达到了目标分数,才...
The UK Mathematical Thinking Challenge (UKMT) is launched by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust and was founded in 1996. The purpose is to improve Mathematics education for young people in the UK. It provides a wide range of maths competitions and...