Research Analysis Platform(简称RAP,地址是UKB与AMS和DNAnexus合作推出的云计算平台,功能强大,是未来数据分析和计算的趋势。 【注意1】UKB影像数据下载使用前提:具备UKB Tier 3数据权限(9000英镑档)。 【注意2】UKB分配给每个所申请项目Project中的eid都是随机生成的,不同项目之间无法根据...
该工作由美国数据分析公司DNAnexus负责,并帮助开发了UKB研究分析平台,该平台由亚马逊网络服务公司(AWS)提供基于云的计算基础设施和数据存储。 UKB首席研究员Rory Collins表示:“之所以将云平台与WGS项目联系起来,是因为数据的规模。我们正在进行大规模测序,将其移交给研究人员是不可行的。UKB的WGS数据只能通过云平台提供给...
Scripts and workflows for use analyzing UK Biobank data from the DNANexus Research Analysis Platform - pjgreer/ukb-rap-tools
spark-example-applet:This applet takes as an input a field id (in DNAnexus format, e.g. participant.p31) and outputs the mean for that field. It is intended as a test/example of a applet enabled to access the Spark dataset within the project the applet is built in. ...
Further information can be found in Research Analysis Platform documentation: Notebook file: JupyterNotebook_Python/A103_Export-participant-data_Python.ipynb Dependency A Spark ...
The UKB-RAP column names can be found in the dataset dictionary, which is accessed via the [command line utility]( dx extract_dataset. To use this utility, it is necessary to find the dataset ID and da...
Further information can be found in Research Analysis Platform documentation: Notebook file: JupyterNotebook_Python/A103_Export-participant-data_Python.ipynb Dependency A Spark ...
Further information can be found in Research Analysis Platform documentation: Notebook file: A103_Export-participant-data_Python.ipynb Dependency A Spark instance Run info: run...
Further information can be found in Research Analysis Platform documentation: Notebook file: JupyterNotebook_Python/A103_Export-participant-data_Python.ipynb Dependency A Spark ...
Fork10 Star49 main BranchesTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit History 65 Commits GWAS_pipeline hwe_sim prs-calc rare_var_wes ukb-rap-tools Scripts and workflows for use analyzing UK Biobank data from the DNANexus Re...