➣扫描脸部并自拍上传 温馨提示,最后拍的照片是要使用在你的evisa上的,记得注意保持形象哦~ 7、完成&提交 ➣点击“Continue”后回到网页点击“Continue application”,再次查看个人信息是否无误,设置安全问题并阅读“声明公告(Declaration)”,最后点击“Submit...
三、继续完成UKVI剩余信息 app上的内容全部完成,点击continue后回到网页点击Continue application继续完成网页上的工作。 Contact prederences、Account security questions 和Declaration 全部完成后就可以点击Submit。 完成提交后的最终页面如下👇 大约等待20分钟左...
3、关联UKVI账户和eVisa: ◆ 按照系统的指示,点击按钮Start Application,这一步骤是为了关联自己的"UKVI账户"和"eVisa"。 <图片来源:gov.uk> ◆ 关联后,继续按照网站提示,通过“UK Immigration : ID Check”App(在苹果应用程序里下载)做身份识别,同时准备好身份识别的文件如BRP卡,护照等; ◆ 完成后点击Continu...
If you are awaiting a decision on an application for a UK visa, tracking the progress of your application can be crucial to planning ahead, especially where you are time-pressured for a decision. The following guide looks at how UK visa applicants can ch
英国留学签证9月5号在广州办理留学签证 今天给我发了一封邮件:Your UK visa application has been received and is unde
Continue reading for more information on the eligibility requirements and application process for a UK Returning Resident Visa. Eligibility Requirements For a UK Returning Resident Visa You are eligible for a UK Returning Resident Visa, as long as you meet the following requirements: ...
5号递签的,昨天收到了这邮件.马上要开学了,很着急,请问有遇到同样情况的嘛Dear Applicant,Your UK visa application has been received and is under consideration.We aim to process non settlement applications within 15 working days (unless you have opted for the Priority Visa service),and Settlement ...
英国留学签证,收到这件的邮件该怎么办!5号递签的,昨天收到了这邮件.马上要开学了,很着急,请问有遇到同样情况的嘛Dear Applicant,Your UK visa application has been received and is under consideration.We aim to p
straightforward and we have been unable to resolve your application within these customer service targets.Please be assured that we will continue to progress your application to enable a decision to be made as soon as possible.We will notify you via e-mail once your application has been decided...
The 2023 UK visa application is predicted to be better for Indian students. Year after year, Indian students make up a large chunk of the international student community in the UK. Yet, hiccups continue to dog them, from visa delays to scammers trying to cheat them with “fake fees.” ...