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The event was recorded on mobile phones, shared on Twitter, and spread rapidly online. This electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) caused huge damage to the airline brand, there were customer breaking their loyalty cards and vowing not to fly with them, asking others to boycott the airline. Their ...
• The right to data portability: This is a right for an individual to receive personal data concerning him or her from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit that data to another controller, if certain grounds apply. Where technically feasible, this ...
The sources used in answering and their formats were also examined. Results for each case study were considered separately. Across library comparisons could be made too, as the data was collected in a consistent manner. This is unlike the statistics kept by individual libraries. Findings were ...
BBC World Service offers its multilingual radio content to partner FM stations around the world and has numerous partnerships supplying content to news websites, mobile phones and other wireless handheld devices as well as TV channels. For more information, visit Backgrounder: ...
I used to think there was little stress back home compared to England, with its stream of bills, etc. But if work takes 12-14 hours of one's day, it certainly makes the work-life balance tricky.The take-up of mobile phones has been phenomenal. So whilst the older folks still believe...