Time zone: GMT+1 (GMT+2 from last Sunday in March to last Saturday in October). Dialling code: +33 Currency: £1 = approx 1.15 euros Check current exchange rates Tourist information: www.franceguide.com Guidebooks Tours to France by train Hotels & guesthouses: Finding accommodation in...
When dialling from another country, include the 0 prefix with the area code. For example, to call a number in Rome 06XXXXXXX from the UK from overseas: Dial the international call prefix (00/+), then the Italian country code (48), and finally the subscriber number (include the leading 0...
Train operators: To check all European train times, visit int.bahn.de. Time zone: GMT+2 (GMT+3 last Sunday in March to last Saturday in October). Dialling code: +357 Currency: £1 = approx €1.11. Click here for a currency converter Tourist information: www.cyprustourism.org Visas:...
It is also possible to kill a partition boot sector virus by typing SYS C: instead of FORMAT C:/S at stage 4 above. However in the case of most viruses this will still leave one or more bogus bad sectors containing virus code. More elegant methods are also possible but should ...