audited annual accounts of the company; taxpayer registration certificate (with UTR number); statement issued by the regulating authority. You can find a more detailed list on the government website or during a consultation with Imperial & Legal specialists. Home Office performs other activities as ...
which may include one or more of the following: your title, forename(s), surname, date of birth, gender, phone number, email address, address, tax residency (and, if applicable, taxpayer identification number(s)), nationality, employer and...
HR and supplier records of clients, which include personal details of employees or suppliers of the client, such as name, contact details, date of birth, race, government identification numbers, employment contracts and service contracts Financial data, such as wage and salary information, pension ...
U.S. individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) U.S. physical addresses U.S. social security number (SSN) U.S./U.K. passport number Ukraine passport domestic Ukraine passport international User login credentials X.509 certificate private key Sensitive information type functions Custom sensitive...
You furnished a wrong taxpayer identification number instead of the correct TIN, or the taxpayer name/TIN doesn’t match the IRS database. You haven’t been reporting, or you’re underreporting reportable interest income, dividend income, or reportable patronage dividends income on your tax return...
and with legal headquarters in Via de’ Tornabuoni, and with legal headquarters in Via de’ Tornabuoni, 2, 50123 Florence, Italy, with share capital of Euro 16,879,000.00, fully paid-in, and Taxpayer Identification Code, Florence Company Register Registration Number, and VAT Code No. 0217520048...
to this question have been a number of previous tax avoidance cases looking at other provisions in Schedule 13 FA 1996 where the method of what the relevant “loss” was is set out in relatively detailed arithmetic terms and in which the courts have decided in favour of the taxpayer because...
The taxpayer’s case relied on its assertion that “beneficial entitlement” must be taken as having its ordinary and more limited English law meaning, such that a recipient would be beneficially entitled to interest as long as it does not receive the interest as a mere fiduciary for another ...
U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number U.S. bank account number U.S. drivers license number U.S. individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) U.S. physical addresses U.S. social security number (SSN) U.S./U.K. passport number Ukraine passport domestic Ukraine passport international User...
Double tax treaty disputes arise where a taxpayer has been taxed by two states, each of whom believes that the treaty between them entitles them to do so. Such disputes are currently resolved through “mutual agreement procedures” (so called “MAP”) – a process by which the relevant tax ...