The deadline for making any such reports is: 10 weeks from when the above Regulation comes into force (see above) 10 weeks after the person became a designated person (if they were not a designated person when the above Regulation came into force) Consequential amendments have been made to ...
Starting on 6 April 2024, the deadline for reporting the grant of an EMI option to HMRC will be extended (from the current deadline of 92 days from grant) to 6 July following the end of the tax year.This amendment is expected to be included in the draft Finance Bill 2024, which will...
GOV.UK summary: Millions of taxpayers filed their Self Assessment tax return for the 2023 to 2024 tax year by the deadline. More than 11.5 million taxpayers filed their Self Assessment tax return by midnight on 31 January. 97.36% of tax returns were filed online. 90.53% of expected filers ...
Or 100% of income, whichever is lower. [] Tweet You might also like Reduction of basic income tax rate from 22% to 20% Stamp duty on UK property UK dividend tax explained UK tax deadline: how to make use of all your tax allowances {61comments…add one}...
Contractors' Questions: What if I file my tax return late? With HMRC, the longer you delay; the more you’ll pay – Nixon Williams. Contractors' Questions: How to remove a company director? More than just form-filling required to remove a director from their post. Contractors' Questions: ...
The proposed changes aim to give the “choice back to issuers, investors, and markets, rather than the regulator,” adding that reforms to the UK’s prospectus and public offer infrastructure are also underway. The deadline for proposals regarding sponsor competence as outlined in CP23/31 is...
UK Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) registrations rise as fresh deadline looms, packaging data services provider reports The tax is designed to encourage businesses to use recycled plastic in packaging Leading packaging data services provider Ecoveritas has welcomed the increase in registrations for the Tre...
Given the impending reporting deadline, attention is now being focused toward the more practical aspects of mandatory reporting obligations. For example, trends are developing toward addressing reporting obligations in relevant contractual arrangements (including fund investor side letters and tax deeds in ...
The seventeen Member States concerned have not yet communicated full transposition into national law of the provisions of the CSRD. The transposition deadline expired on 6 July 2024. The Commission is therefore sending letters of formal notice to the concerned Member States, which now have two m...
The UK financial watchdog has ordered that some Libor rates continue to be published beyond the original June deadline, giving market participants more time to shift away from the tainted lending benchmark. The Financial Conduct Authority said on Monday that synthetic versions of the one, three ...