On this page Topics covered Visa and immigration 8 October 2024 如果你正準備前往英國留學就讀中學、銜接課程 Pathway、學士或碩士等學位課程,你需要申請英國學生簽證 Student Visa 才能入境就讀。同學在錄取英國學校並決定前往就讀後,需通知學校並依照校方規定繳納訂金及所需文件,而校方在收到確認後將會寄發簽證文...
英国政府宣布将进一步“打击”学生签证滥用,包括针对“无良”招生中介的新措施以及对高校“更严格的合规标准”,但新政并未对毕业生工作签证(Post-work visa, PSW)进行改变。 英国内政部表示,这一工签类别允许留学生在毕业后的两到三年内留在英国,但由于担心它“无法吸引为我们的经济做出贡献的最高收入者”,因此该...
UK Student Visa New Rules: As per the new tier 4 student visa work rules after graduation, the students are allowed to stay back in the UK for six months after their study programs are over. Before 2018, the stay back period was four months after a one year program. For Programs runnin...
But, a visa is not guaranteed if the student follows all the guidelines provided below. These are some of the observations made by Round World Immigration and Education Associates while serving our numerous clients from across South Delhi, Gurgaon, North Delhi, west Delhi and central Delhi as ...
UK government tightens student visa rules
UK Student Visa (Tier 4) UK Work Visa (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 5) UK Transit Visa (DATV and Visitor in Transit) UK Family Visa (Spouse) UK Residence Permit (ILR and BRP) Refer to each country below for permitted UK visa types. Some countries require the UK visa to be multiple-...
To apply for a Student Visa in the UK, you need to have received an unconditional offer of a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor. You will also need to have enough money to support yourself during your studies, as well as pay for your course, which will vary f...
UK student visa requirements Your course provider may be willing to help you to apply for a UK student visa once you have been offered a place on a course; ask to find out if this is the case. You can apply for your student visa up to three months in advance of the start date of...
UK Student Visa is a type of visa that allows individuals from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland to study in the United Kingdom.
If you are 16 or over and plan on studying at a higher education institution in the UK, you need to apply for a UK student visa (formerly known as Tier 4 (General) student visa). All applicants must meet the requirements of the relevant UK Immigration Rules in order to be successful ...