Skilled Worker Visas (UK Employer Sponsored)Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha25827 topics Page 1 of 517 1 2 3 4 5 … 517 Next ...
Blair Nimmo to leave as company losses widen since its sale by the Big Four firm January 31 2024 KPMG UK partner pay climbs despite slowdown Partners take home £746,000 on average but remain lowest paid of the Big Four December 20 2023 ...
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上一张 LinkedIn US H1B & UK Skilled Worker Checker chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 LinkedIn US H1B & UK Skilled Worker Checker chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 此扩展检查工作是否需要 H1B 担保或英国技术工人签证。 此扩展对于在 LinkedIn 上寻求就业机会的个人来说是一个宝贵的工具,特别针对在...
Skilled Worker – a job on the Immigration Salary List where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years – main applicant and dependants for the applications made with a Certificate of Sponsorship issued on or after 4 April 2024 £1,084 Skilled Worker – Health and Car...
If you are looking to Study,Work, Visit, Invest orMigrate to the UK, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Company. Apply Now Tags: UK visa rules UK Work Permit Visa Share Options for you by Y-Axis Get it on your mobile ...
Skilled worker visa eligibility requirements are: Have a job offer from a UK employer Your employer must be on the list of licenced sponsors1 approved by the Home Office Your employer must have issued you with a valid “Certificate of Sponsorship” The job for which you are being employed mu...
The UK Skilled Worker visa was introduced to bring in highly skilled overseas workers into the UK labor market and subsequently take up permanent residence in the UK.With this visa, skilled workers from other countries can be selected based on the shortage occupation list and they will be ...
Scaling up operationsYour company is rapidly growing and needs to hire in countries where you don’t have an established presence yet. Remote Work ExpansionYou want to leverage the global talent pool by enabling remote work, but you need help with the employment regulations in each worker’s co...
Global Business Mobility visa Senior or Specialist worker visa – a category of visa under the UK’s points-based immigration system that replaces the old Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) visa. Applications for an ICT visa will no longer be accepted, although existing ICT visa-holders will not be...