Existing data suggest that completion of the questionnaire can significantly reduce state anxiety in the practice setting [8, 9]. It has defendable psychometric properties, is relatively quick and simple to complete and score [4, 10]. A cut-off value of 19 and above has been determined ...
Intersectionality addresses power structures and systemic oppressions tied to marginalized identities, which qualitatively differentiates marginalized individuals from each other. This study examines the intersection of gender, sexuality, and nationality to understand possible sexist attitudes of gay men in the ...
We employ a dual state DSGE model to study UK conventional and unconventional monetary policies. • QE is modeled as expanding the BoE’s purchases of bonds using M0 to reduce the credit spread at the ZLB. • While financial shocks are significant, it is the productivity shocks that had ...
In this study, distress is defined as a state of emotional suffering characterized by self-focussed negative affective experiences, such as guilt and shame. As such, distress is in turn likely to be positively associated with identity threat. Psychological Impact of (Internalized) Homonegativity ...
Those with eGFR ≥ 105 ml/min/1.73m2 might be comprised of various heterogeneous populations that all contributed to the higher dementia risk, such as individuals with diabetes or a pre-diabetic state [48] or people with cachexia, in whom eGFR is overestimated due to reduced muscle mass....
Full size image Demographics and cancer Participant demographics were compared to English FRS statistics20 in Wolffe et al. (2023)8, and were in broad agreement. The proportion of firefighters with a cancer diagnosis increased with age, length of service and seniority of role (Fig. 2). When...
Consider an urgent direct access ultrasound scan (to be performed within 2 weeks) to assess for soft tissue sarcoma in adults with an unexplained lump that is increasing in size. Consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within 2 weeks) for adults if they have ultrasound...
What size washing machine do I need for a family of 4? What are integrated and freestanding washing machines? What is the best energy rating for a washing machine? What is standard washing machine size? Is it worth buying a tumble dryer?
This relationship with India was no longer available, and the rest of the empire quickly followed India in gaining independence, leaving Britain as just a medium-sized European country, with a population only one fifth the size of the US. ...
In terms of organizational imperatives and principles, as a nation-state that holds one of the world’s largest DNA databases, the UK has been dealing systematically with the societal effects triggered by various ethical controversies. Those issues relate to the size of the database, in terms of...