Use this free UK salary calculator to understand your hourly, monthly, gross, net and pro rata salary.
Easily compare salaries between old and new jobs with a simple, straight-forward free salary calculator. Calculates take home salary from your annual, hourly,…
OVERVIEW: UK Salary Calculator provides a simple numerical breakdown of your PAYE income, or a comparison of two different salaries. It is intended for use by r…
Tax code (optional) Pension Contribution £% Salary £yearmonth4 weeks2 weeksweekdayhour ResetCalculate My Wage Total TaxDue0%£0£0£0 Student Loan0%£0£0£0 National Insurance0%£0£0£0 Total Deductions0%£0£0£0 ...
UK Salary Calculator for Mac(英国工资计算器) Mac哪款英国工资计算工具好用呢?UK Salary Calculator mac可以为英国居民(或准居民)提供收入的简单数字和图形明细。并可以根据您的年龄和收入计算您的默认税收减免。 UK Salary Calculator for Mac(英国工资计算器) ...
UK Salary Calculator mac可以为英国居民(或准居民)提供收入的简单数字和图形明细 VenturaAppleSilicon 2023-04-01 官方网站 MacApps财务工具 FinancialUK Salary Calculator英国居民图形明细税收减免Graphical BreakdownIOSNational InsuranceTax FeatureCalculated Values ...
Select Year: This salary calculator has the capability to display your pay details, as they would have been, back as far as 1999. Remember that the tax year begins on April 6th of each year Tax Region: From the 2017/2018 tax year, scottish parliament has set its own tax rates and ba...
UK Salary Calculator is fully reversible, meaning you can either enter your gross salary to see what your pay will be after deductions, or you can enter a net salary that you’d like to be your take home pay and UK Salary Calculator will tell you what you need to earn as a gross wag...
支持系统 OS X 10.7 价格 12 下载次数 233 官方网站 访问 OVERVIEW: UK Salary Calculator for macOS provides a simple numerical and graphical breakdown of your income. It is intended for use by residents (or prospective residents) of the United Kingdom. Companion iOS app also available. FEATURES:...
UK Salary Calculator for Mac是一款运行在MacOS平台上好用的英国工资计算器。UK Salary Calculator破解可以计算您的税收减免,为双方 (雇员和雇主) 的缴费和基于当前立法和税率的税收。大大方便英国居民(或准居民)的工作生活。欢迎大家收藏下载!本软件测试环境13.2.1系统!