‘Colour Meanings’ ‘COTO Report’ ‘Cry Freedom Radio’ ‘Cynthia McKinney Blog’ ‘Darkland’ ‘David Kelly Murder’ ‘Deeper Web’ ‘Die Zauberflöte’ ‘DondeVamosBlog’ ‘Edge Media TV’ ‘Efford Con Trick’ ‘Endzog’ ‘Este Family’ ‘Eustace Mullins’ ‘eyreinternational’ ‘Faking ...
Emphasis is placed on the subjective experience of the participant and the meanings they attri- bute to their experience, thereby allowing the researcher to gain insights into people's motivations and actions [24]. It integrates the relationship between socialisation, encul- tu...
The arrowheads are grouped in 3 groups with the following meanings and English overlay texts (see Figure 7.1): Group 1 - 5; Drive status 1= Drive is ready to start (READY) 2= Drive is running (RUN) 3= Drive has stopped (STOP) 4= Alarm condition is active (ALARM) 5= Drive has ...
This represents an iterative process, where the individual meaning parts of the texts/transcripts are viewed in context of the whole narrative, and the whole is understood by the cumulative meanings of the individual parts [26]. Interviews were transcribed by CF to allow immersion in the data ...