酒店管理,是培养具备现代管理学理论基础,掌握现代旅游经营的方法和手段,具有较强语言能力、人际沟通等技能,能在大型宾馆,旅游管理部门及相关领域从事开发和管理的高级人才。 在英国,开设酒店管理专业的院校,普遍经过全英高等教育质量保证委员会(Quality Assurance Agency, QAA)的评...
UCB的酒店及旅游管理专业获得了英国酒店管理协会(Hospitality Assured Accreditation)和全英高等教育保证委员会(Quality Assurance Agency,QQA)的质量认证。在餐饮和酒店管理、运动和旅游管理等主要课程处于世界领导地位。推荐项目:Hospitality with Tourism Management MSc International Hospitality Management MSc Marketing M...
官方网址:https://www.brunel.ac.uk/ 备注:英国政府认可院校,受该国质量保障机构QAA(The Quality Assurance Agency)保障,原名为“布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)”。 学校名称:University of Buckingham 中文译名:白金汉大学 官方网址: http://www.buckingham.ac.uk/ 备注: 学校名称:British School of Osteopathy ...
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher EducationRoutledgeQuality in Higher EducationQuality assurance and the use of subject-level reference points in the UK. Bellingham,L. Quality in Higher Education . 2008Bellingham, Laura (2008) Quality Assurance and the Use of Subject Level Reference Points in the ...
2. Quality of education The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is an independent body in the UK that regularly assesses the education standards of all universities and colleges in the country. Besides checking their performances through audits and subject reviews, it helps identify the best education pr...
Quality Assurance System The unique factor of education system in the UK is its Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). It is an independent body that assesses and compares universities and colleges in the country through regular audits and reviews. It also identifies the best education practices and provi...
The study uses the IS Body of Knowledge (BoK) descriptors which are part of the UK's Quality Assurance Agency 1 (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statement for Computing (SBSC). The results of the study are supplemented by data about course entry requirements, course naming conventions and course ...
The university has been dubbed the “cradle of diplomats” as over 400 of its alumni have gone on to become ambassadors. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) is conducting an independent inquiry into higher education delivered via London branch campuses, after an investigation by...
英国西伦敦大学已通过英国高等教育质量保障署QAA(The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)审核,确保教学质量。 (QAA其在英国教育界的地位等同于中国的教育部) 六、入学指南Admission Guide (1)申请条件 本科毕业两年以上工作经验 专科毕业五年以上工作经验,最少两年以上管理经验 ...
How is National Quality Assurance Scheme (UK) abbreviated? NQAS stands for National Quality Assurance Scheme (UK). NQAS is defined as National Quality Assurance Scheme (UK) somewhat frequently.