Despite being one of the most developed countries in the world, the United Kingdom struggles with a fairly significant degree of poverty. As of 2022, around 11 million people in the UK were living in relative poverty, with that number increasing to 14.4 million when housing costs are ...
21 Nov 2024 UK-India Technology Futures Insight Report UKIBC launched UK-India Technology Futures Insight Report at the UK India Technology Futures Conference on 21st November,2024. The detailed report showcases success stories of technology partnerships across sectors and between both countries. The ...
UKIBC launched UK-India Technology Futures Insight Report at the UK India Technology Futures Conference on 21st November,2024. The detailed report showcases success stories of technology partnerships across sectors and between both countries. The report also highlights the sectoral recommendations to enhan...
This report provides an overview of the 'state of the nation' that will be used to inform Coalition Government policy decisions in the months and years ahead. This report includes a broad range of poverty and deprivation indicators, including income poverty, indebtedness, unemployment, educational ...
The report found poverty rates are highest in London, the North of England, Midlands and Wales, and lowest in the South of England (excluding London), Scotland and Northern Ireland. "While the proportion of people in employment has risen consistently for six years, weak local economies in some...
Why have so few Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) taken women's poverty seriously? To answer the question, this paper draws on PRSP processes from Tanzania, Bolivia, Malawi and Yemen. As elsewhere, the PRSPs fail to address gender in a coherent and consistent way. If addressed, ...
2024, Energy Research and Social Science Citation Excerpt : For this reason we cannot dismiss it in a discussion of how to alleviate energy poverty. Using the same database, Galvin [7] found that higher fiscal transfers to low-income households are highly unlikely to lead to substantial increas...
Poverty is on the rise among families in the UK, with a third of households with a child aged under five affected, research has shown. A report by the Nuffield Foundation found that 36 percent of families with a young child were living on well below the average income ...
To analyse the joint genetic architecture of poverty, we ran a multivariable GWAS for which a common factor defined by genetic indicators is regressed on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The multivariable GWAS of the latent poverty factor (PF) was modelled from three indicators: HI, SD ...
June 13 2024 UK’s two-child benefits cap mainly hits working parents, report shows Campaigners say limit ‘drives families into poverty’ and calls on future government to reverse the policy Save June 12 2024 News in-depthUK politics In charts: the legacy of 14 years of Conservative ru...