The UK has a population of approximately 67 million people, most of whom speak English as their first language. Other indigenous languages include Welsh and Scots Gaelic. Sometimes, people use the word Britain to refer to the UK. This is also erroneous since Britain is a large island that is...
WorldPop project - Worldwide human population distributions [Meta] Software FLOSSmole data about free, libre, and open source software development [Meta] GHTorrent - Scalable, queryable, offline mirror of data offered through the GitHub REST API. [Meta] Open Source Repository and Depend...
Find Population on Map Radius Around a Point on a Map How Far Is It Between Area Calculator Measure Distance on a Map Find ZIP Codes Inside a Radius Distance Between UK Postcodes Elevation Finder UK Postcode Map Radius From UK Postcode Map Resources Download UK Postcodes Full List of Map ...
O2 offers nearly 99% combined 3G and 4G outdoor population coverage across the UK. O2’s 5G service has launched in dozens of towns and cities in the UK, including Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Slough and more. Get a good idea...
Population: 5.1 Million Urban population: 64% Currency: EUR Top 3: Dublin, Cork, Galway Internet penetration: 95% Ecommerce Revenue: 4.9 Billion Euros Ecommerce Growth 2024: +12% Sources: Statista, World Bank, Worldometers 114.3 Million GBP in revenue 2023 ...
Reliable reference data in medical imaging is largely unavailable. Developing tools that allow for the comparison of individual patient data to reference data has a high potential to improve diagnostic imaging. Population atlases are a commonly used tool
UK_IMD_E_pop_decile- A new set of deciles for the whole dataset, so that 10% of the population is in each decile (there will be an uneven number of areas). UK_IMD_E_pop_quintile- A new set of quintiles for the whole dataset, so that 20% of the population is in each quintile...
Overall, the SARS-CoV-2 disease phenotype is less severe in 2022 compared to 2020 but patients with cancer remain at higher risk than the non-cancer population. Patients with cancer must therefore be empowered to live more normal lives, to see loved ones and families, while also being ...
LSOA-level distribution map of population, gender, age, race, income, education, and crime. We calculated Inner London UGS accessibility by using four methods and the results are presented. The UGS accessibility is divided into ten grades, with greener colors representing greater accessibility. Most...
In 2024, there are an estimated 2.5 million vegans in the UK, 4.7% of the adult population. The number of vegans in the UK has risen by an estimated 1.1 million between 2023 and 2024. In 2024, there are 3.1 million vegetarians in the UK, making up 5.8% of the population. There are...