Leaflet Open Street Map County, Local authority, MSOA, LSOA, ward, unit postcode Food outlets, Ordnance Survey Points of interest; geographic boundaries, UKBORDERS and Ordnance Survey Code-point with Polygons N/A Population, 2011 UK census No Free data access of all levels in map format only...
编译:佘彦遥 程序注释:席雄芬 校对:丁雪 原文链接:https://github.com/python-visualization/folium/...
· The bubble function can be used to show the density distribution by the sizes of the bubbles. · The choropleth (a colour shaded map) function can be used to create a plot demonstrating the block-by-block distribution of a certain property by the colour scale. Figure 3. Visualisation of...
· The bubble function can be used to show the density distribution by the sizes of the bubbles. · The choropleth (a colour shaded map) function can be used to create a plot demonstrating the block-by-block distribution of a certain property by the colour scale. Figure 3. Visualisation of...