英国无犯罪证明,英文为Police Certificate, 是由ACRO Criminal Records Office签发的,适用于想要移民、需要签证才能在国外生活和/或工作或希望获得其他国家公民身份或居住权的人。 另外,英国还有一种Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check,这种是雇主检查应聘者的犯罪记录。它适用于在英格兰和威尔士工作的人。与我们...
such as police checks. If you've lived abroad for more than 6 months since the age of 18, you'll need a police check fromeach country you lived in. You will also need apolice check from England. If you're going to work in ajob that requires a medical exam,look into this...