Online Hate Speech in the UK and Poland: A Case-Study of Online Reactions to the Killing of Arkadiusz JówikOur study focuses on online reactions to the killing of Arkadiusz J贸wik in Harlow, Essex, in August 2016. It uses corpus-assisted Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to analyse tweets...
The Internet and the Family: The View From Parents The View From the Press - Turow - 1999 () Citation Context ...asily accessed on-line pornography, violence, and hate speech. Newspaper and magazine articles have fed this fear ... Joseph Turow,John Bracken,Lilach Nir - 《On the Interne...
These sources were not authorized to speak publicly about the proposed changes, as the conversations surrounding revamped online safety laws are ongoing. Top officials have made comments in recent days saying that the government may review the Online Safety Act to make it tougher on disinformation...
New hate crime laws have come into force in Scotland. Opinion is divided on whether the laws will make the country more tolerant - or stifle free speech. What is included under the new laws, why are they so controversial - and what has the author of Harry Potter got to...
Hate Speech--The United States Versus the Rest of the World lead in some countries in Europe to a criminal conviction, and you will have no protection foryour freedom of speech before the European Human Rights Court. in Skokie, Illinois, a small townwith a large Jewish population.49 The ...
There are fears innocent people could end up on police databases with controversial new hate crime laws in Scotland being weaponised to "settle scores". Legislation is being introduced on 1 April criminalising threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred based on ...
11.1.1 these Terms of Use, any contracts formed in accordance with them and any disputes we may have in connection with them will be governed by and determined according to the laws of England and Wales but you will have the additional protection of the mandatory laws of the country in whi...
Apple and other tech companies may face fines and have their services blocked if they are not able to handle harmful online contact in an effective manner, the United Kingdom government has suggested, proposing the creation of a regulator that could crea
While we in England laugh at the contortions of the Scottish and Irish governments as they attempt to justify to an already alienated voter base their authoritarian policies, notably the 'hate speech' laws that are so loosely drafted anyone in either of those countries could find him or ...
LONDON (Reuters) - Tech bosses could be jailed in Britain if their platforms fail to protect children from online harm after the government agreed to toughen a proposed law to avoid the prospect of a first parliamentary defeat for the prime minister. Rishi Sunak faced losin...