In explaining the decision, Braverman cited an “unexpected” surge in the number of dependents arriving with students. She argued that while acknowledging the economic benefits international students bring to the UK, such gains should not be made at the expense of their commitment to cut immigrati...
UK population set to grow by five million within 10 years - with net migration levels highest in Europe for the first time Immigration is expected to be the sole driver of population growth in the UK, while projections also show an increase in the...
IMMIGRATION lawLABOR lawsLABOR mobilityHEALTH care industryEMPLOYEE recruitmentELIGIBILITY (Social aspects)WAGESEUROPEAN UnionAlex Christen, senior associate at Capital Law, explains how changes to the UK's points-based visa system impacts the eligibility of overseas health and social...
The UK government has announced a number of changes to the UK immigration rules applicable to Ukrainian nationals in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Ukrainian nationals remain visa nationals, which means that they require a visa in order to travel to the United Kingdom, regardle...
A government report released last Thursday showed that net migration reached a record 606,000 for 2022 representing a 24% increase on the previous year. Net migration is defined as the difference between immigration (those coming into a country) and emigration (those leaving). ...
How might changes in student visa provision affect UK immigration levels? Net migration to the UK has reached record highs. International students are included in the immigration statistics and the government has implied it may seek to limit their future numbers. More research is needed to design ...
The latest immigration figures for 2022 showed another steep increase in the number of people coming to the UK.Based on the latest estimates, nearly 1.2 million people immigrated in 2022 while around 557,000 left the country, leading to a net ...
Scheduled changes to the Immigration Rules providing new routes for individuals coming to the UK for business purposes under sponsored/non-sponsored routes.
Britain's government insisted Thursday (24 November) that Brexit would pay off, even as new figures showed record levels of immigration six years after the country voted to quit the EU. Net migration into the UK -- the number of people arriving to start new lives, minus those leaving --...
Legal permanent residents Naturalizations Refugees and asylum seekers Illegal immigration Public opinion The most important statistics U.S. number of people with green cards FY 1820-2023 Number of persons naturalized U.S. FY 1990-2022 Refugees arriving in the U.S. 2022, by region of origin ...