南安普顿大学(University of Southampton) MA Design (pathways in Advertising Design Management,Communication Design,Design Management,Fashion Design,Fashion Management,Textile and Fashion Promotion,Textile Design,Textile and Fibre Art) 这个专业是开设在南安普顿大学Winchester艺术学院,虽然这个专业不是南安的强势专业,...
Architectural History MA 建筑史硕士 Design for Performance & Interaction MArch 表演与交互设计硕士 …… 除巴特莱特学院外,UCL的斯莱德美术学院(Slade School of Fine Art)也开设纯艺术的文学硕士(MA)和美术硕士(MFA)。 图源:UCL官网 Fine Art MFA 纯艺术美术硕士 Fine Art MA 纯艺术文学硕士 …… 二者学制不...
MA History of Art MA Anthropology MA Chinese-English Translation MA Comparative Literatures and Cultures ...展开全文c û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 英国学子教育SUUK 5月29日 08:57 来自微博网页版 英国德蒙福特大学(简称 DMU)的 Top up 或 插读大三录取要求:平均分70,无挂科完成...
李同学无Brimingham University Msc Money Banking and FinanceSOAS (伦敦大学亚非学院)MA History of Art and Archeaology of East Asia 陈同学无Bournemouth University,BA Film Production and Cinematography(GPA:63)Queen Mary (伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院)
✔ Master of Public Health Epidemiology公共健康(流行病学)✔ MA Art History, Collections and Curating 艺术史、收藏与策展✔ MA Cultural Policy and Arts Management 文化政策及艺术管理✔ MA Modern Languages 现代语言✔ MSc Sports Management 体育管理✔ MSc Coaching Science in Sport 体育教练科学...
AMERICAN MAFIA: THE RISE AND FALL OF ORGANIZED CRI AMERICAN WEREWOLVES 2 Amicus Productions Amir Boutrous Amir El-Masry Amirose Eisenbach Amma Asante Amrita Acharia AMSTERDAM ALERT Amsterdam International Film Festival Amy Anderson Amy B. Taylor Amy Booth-Steel Amy Byrd, Amy El...
THE ARGONAUTS OF '49: CLASS, GENDER, AND PARTNERSHIP IN BRET HARTE'S WEST MATTHEW A . WATSON In "The Iliad of Sandy Bar," a tale Bret Harte published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1870, the "Amity Claim" bestows untold riches upon Matthew S... MA Watson - 《Western American Literature...
Victoria Goldman Get Email Author lovereading.co.uk/blog @victoriagoldma2 6.9K Greg Hackett Get Email Author lovereading.co.uk/blog @londonmountain1 807 Lily Lindon Get Email Author lovereading.co.uk/blog @lily_lindon 1.6K Clare Get Email Author alittleblogofbooks.com @littleblogbooks ...
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Web:http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/postgraduate-courses/art-therapy/index.html Degrees/Programs: Master of Arts (MA) Art Therapy We are the only institution in the UK offering all of the arts and play therapies (dramatherapy, dance movement therapy, music therapy and play therapy). ...