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Both sites carried some legumes but late-maturing grasses predominated at site 1 and ear/y-maturing grasses at site 2.doi:10.1080/02508281.1998.11014823JudyCentreWhiteCentreRobertCentreGilchristCentreProfessorCentreSTROMCentreRoutledgeTourism Recreation Research...
UK mobile phone statistics, 2024 This page includes relevant mobile phone statistics for 2024, such as the number of mobile phone users, market share, how people use their mobiles and how these trends have changed over time. Written by Nick Baker, Senior Editor Updated on 7 February 2024 ...
Average mobile network speed statistics for latency When it comes to average latency speeds, the top 10 fastest areas of the UK can all be found in England. The area with the fastest mobile data speed in the UK can be found in the East of England in Watford at 26.8ms. Seven of the...
Preferences Statistics Marketing Show details You’re in good company, we’re trusted by 30,000+ users and growing Data is power OurAPIispoweredbythemostcomprehensivekerbsidedataintheUK 503 + UK towns mapped 14 K KM of London kerbside captured ...
Know details of addresses like postcode, geographical location. Find nearby places such as hospitals, schools, and businesses. Explore historical prices for properties, price trends in localities and other statistics for an address or postcode. ...
Available online: (accessed on 10 September 2022). Marino, D.; Trapasso, R. The new approach to regional economics dynamics, Growth and innovation of competitive regions. In Growth...
There is a small amount of lag between broadband infrastructure providers making services available and appearing in the statistics. For VDSL2/FTTC services this is around 2 to 4 weeks, and for FTTP (full fibre) a further couple of weeks should be allowed. If you have a service available ...
But even over a period of 20 years, there is strong persistence in relative unemployment rates at local area levels in both countries, and especially the United Kingdom. This result extends to counties and local authority areas within individual states and regions. Local areas with high (low) ...
For data analysis, testing, research and statistical statistics to help us to improve our products and services. Legitimate interest (to improve your experience when you shop and to keep our website updated and relevant). To keep our Website safe and secure. Legal obligation Legitimate interest ...