那“车牌号”的英文是什么呢?有个专门的表达: license plate number "license"作为名词时,大家都知道有“许可证,执照”的意思,那plate除了大家所熟知的“盘子,盆子”外,还有“金属板”的意思,所以“license plate number”意思为“车牌号”就很容易理解啦! What's your license plate number? 你的车牌号是多少?
‘subject access request’, you will need to provide confirmation of your identity by contacting us using the email address associated with your profile or attaching a photocopy of your driver’s license or passport. This is provided free of charge and our response will be made within thirty (...
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Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Are you preparing for your UK Driving License certification exam? Driving Theory Test UK - If you try one of the best dmv licensing test applications, you will pass the test at first try.Over the years, we have helped thousands of people in the UK throug...
Moreover, you might be asked to enter your passport or driver’s license number to fast-track the verification process. Next, you will then need to let the payday loans lender know what your current employment situation is. This includes whether you are employed full-time or part-time, ...
Driver’s license numbers Email addresses Bank account numbers National insurance number Date of birth Suspicious emails If you think you’ve received a phishing email, follow these steps right away: Forward the entire email to phishing@paypal.uk ...
During the application process, you will be asked a plethora of questions aimed at verifying your identity and assessing your current financial standing. The lender will require you to furnish them with such personal information as your name, address, date of birth, driver’s license number, and...
You can’t get a driver's license. If you need a student visa, spousal visa, or another travel document to visit the UK, please contact your localUK embassyor consulate for more information. Who can apply for the UK Visitor Visa?
To defend against phishing, watch out for messages that ask for personal information like credit or debit card numbers, bank account information, driver's license number, passwords, or your full name. And when you suspect an email is fake, don't open it, reply to it, click on any links...
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